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hi guys!

i have no where to run but to all of you here! i need some infos on stuff like fiebings resolene, edge kote, edge enamel and tan kote.

firstly, is resolene a good way to seal leather thats been dyed with spirit dyes will this help seal the dye so it wont come off and transfer to clothes?

second, is edge kote better than edge enamel whats the difference?

third, is edge enamel the same thick gooey kinda stuff used by Louis Vuitton bags to finish the straps and bags' edges? i see really nice thick type edging on LV bags that are originally made not the bootleg bags. is this the enamel type edge finish its colred as usual like light brown on LV bags.

and lastly, how does tan kote compare in terms of sealing and not taking the dyed color off when applied?

guys if resolene is the winner here against tan kote in terms of sealing the dyed area rally well that nothing can go thru can you suggest stuff that can be purchased over a local hardware or handyman store thats kinda the same in nature as resoloene. are there waxes for cars or stuff like that that can somewhat duplicate the effect orf resolene as a sealer?



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can you suggest stuff that can be purchased over a local hardware or handyman store thats kinda the same in nature as resoloene. are there waxes for cars or stuff like that that can somewhat duplicate the effect orf resolene as a sealer?

Can't help much with the big name products, Sheridanman, like everyone else I use them as required and they tend to work like it says on the bottle; but I can suggest that you explore liquid kitchen floor shiner as a substitute sealer. I have used a product called Klear Floorshine, marketed here in the UK by Johnson, that does an okay job. You need to give your leather a few coats but it seems to work quite well. Go try a few as they are relatively inexpensive. Let us know what you discover! Good luck...

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Yes, Resolene is a good sealer. Tan Kote is also a good sealer.

There's a discussion about them here. I can't compare the edge finishing products per se, but I have and use the Fiebings edge finisher with the applicator built in. I like it. It doesn't really 'build up' and edge, but otherwise does a nice job.

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thanks guys!

i appreciate all the help i can get here!----sheridanman

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For some things I make I will wax my edges and then slick them down. The wax melts into the edge and slicks up really nice. I either use a block of clear wax that I have or a plain white candle.


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