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a to the z

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About a to the z

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  1. This is for full grain milled printed leather. They are 3 different types of leather that I was asking for quotes for So it sounds like the last line indicates the approximate quality you would receive across one hide (e.g 30% quality level 1, 40% quality level 2, 30% quality level 3) ? and you then get charged according to this ratio for each hide? And then the prices above are what the charge will be?
  2. Wondering if you know what this means, am trying to buy leather. The supplier is in france, and sent me this: - LEATHER ONE choix 1/2/3 €uro/M² 90/88/85 - LEATHER TWO choix 1/2/3 €uro/M² 82/79/73 - LEATHER THREE choix 1/2/3 €uro/M² 77/74/72 Le pourcentage de répartition par choix est de 30 % choix 1 / 40 % choix 2 et 30 % choix 3 In english, it translates to: - LEATHER ONE choice 1/2/3 € uro / M ² 90/88/85 - LEATHER TWO choice 1/2/3 € uro / M ² 82/79/73 - LEATHER THREE choice 1/2/3 € uro / M ² 77/74/72 The percentage distribution of choice is 30% choice 1 / 40% choice 2 and 30% choice 3 Can you experts help me understand this better. What does that last sentence mean or refer to? Are choices 1/2/3 talking about quality levels?
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