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I used some of my grandfathers scraps he had laying around. The hardware was in a plastic tub for probably 9+ years and I tried to clean them. The leather was in a box. It was kind of tough but used that pure neatsoil for a few days trying to make it a little more subtle. That is why there is very little tooling. I didnt care for if the tooling design was nice, just wanted to see if the overall design worked for the watch strap.

I have 3 sewing machines that my grandfather used. I have not learned to sew until recently (I have been practicing everyday on a bunch of scraps, just sewing them together) and I know it is a little uneven and not as nice as I would like but it is holding it together. :rofl: I also know I need to burnish the edges better to make it look nicer.

I figured that I would try to do a piece that I could use if it came out ok until I build a better one.


Forgot this pic. The watch isnt attached yet, just layed on top.







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You got something started anyway. Now you can practice some more. LOL


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You got something started anyway. Now you can practice some more. LOL


Yup! Practice, practice, practice. My wife says I spend to much time in the basement practicing LOL.

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