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narrow double toed presser foot

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For those of you who have the narrow double toed presser foot for the 2000/4000/441 cylinder arm machine, does that center foot have a notch ground out on the underside to serve as some kind of guide as the machine lays down stitches.

I'm still trying to troubleshoot a problem I had been having with the narrow center foot on thinner leathers, messy stitches. This problem doesn't happen with the large standard blanket foot, which I noticed has a notch ground out on the underside of the center foot.


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The stock narrow center foot that came with mine is smooth on the bottom. I have not used the blanket foot. My old buddy gave me another narrow presser foot. It was an Adler foot with the ridge behind the needle guide hole on the bottom. The ridge pushes your stitches down and recesses them deeper into the leather, especially if there was no groove made first. He elongated the hole to make the allowance for the different needle realtionship/foot relationship of the Adler vs 2000. I like the look especially for straps and saddles. I groove deep anyway. It is my favorite foot for that work. The only problem is for doing tight corners like a 90 degree at the corner of a checkbook. When you turn the work, the ridge lays behind the corner and makes an impression.

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