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Jay Gibson

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About Jay Gibson

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    New Member

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  • Interests
    Hunting, Fishing, Reading, Shooting, Leathercraft

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  1. Just an update: I believe it will be a kit for me. No idea if I possess the skills or patience necessary for leathercraft as a hobby. Adios for a few weeks. I may check back in then.
  2. Any of these: Pietta .36 Navy 7.5" SBH .44 rem mag 4 5/8" Vaquero .45 Colt 7.5" Colt Walker Heritage Commemorative 9" S&W K-38 and .357 mag, both 6" BFR 500 S&W magnum 7.5" Any of those. Some of our revolvers. . . My forun: http://www.wedealinl...forum/index.php website:: www.wedealinlead.net Thank you for sending the blessing our way. Here is a thread detailing my son's battle with leukemia: http://www.m4carbine...ead.php?t=84149
  3. Thanks for the reply and the welcome. . After pricing the tools named in the .pdf by Mr. Simmons, it seems even going cheap one is looking at > 150 USD. SCRATCH AWL STABBING AWL SUPER SKIVER SCALPEL BLADE #1212 #2 EDGE BEVELLER SIZE 4 MINI PUNCH SIZE 7 MAXI PUNCH 1" OBLONG PUNCH 1/2" OBLONG PUNCH 1/4" OVAL PUNCH MALLET FRAMING SQUARE SLICKER STRAP CUTTER #1215 I suspect I'll buy a kit, maybe two from Tandy. To wit: #44451-01 and 44451-02 I am left handed. It would be kind of nice to get a good cartridge belt kit, one with an interior flap plus a buckling flap. Like their gunslinger belt kit but with cartridge loops set up for a lefty.
  4. Steadily preparing myself to try some holster making. I am brand new to the board and thus have absolutely nothing to contribute, as I know very little about the subject. So, I am a tabula rosa! Here to learn. I am going to start off with a cheap kit from Tandy, I suppose; then cobble together (pun intended, as it were) a minimum of needed tools. I really want to find out if I can do it or not. The old dexterity has suffered over the years. I spent many years as a competitve powerlifter and now am just kind of fat and stiff. You can see the paws rather than hands here To show my handicaps vis-a-vis holster making:
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