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Bobbin Threader For The Singer Patchers

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I just realized that I do have an original bobbin threader for my Singer 29k60 after all, found it in a pile of junk. I must have mentally thrown it in the trash when I first got my machine... based on the fact that it's kind of broken, I must have thought "trash". But looking at it closer, it's in good shape except for the tip piece that the bobbin fits onto. That piece is broken, rendering it impossible for a bobbin to mount. So, I removed the cylinder and wheel (that the rubber 'tire' is mounted on) from the arm section. Does anyone know if there is a separate part number for just the bobbin stud and if there is a way that it comes apart? Other than that, I was thinking if nothing else maybe drill and tap where the old stud was and find something that would work. I'd hate to trash this entire aparatus over just the tip if something could be figured out. Any suggestions?

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Easier to get the spindle with the eccentric it fits into. Check with Bob at Toledo but if he has not got it I think I have a couple in stock.

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Unfortunately the bobbins won't work with a standard bobbin winder.

Depending on the size of the bobbin you can probably use a separate bobbin winder.


I looked for a parts list for your machine but only found a user manual for a 29k62. I'll include it just in case you need it for some reason.


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Unfortunately the bobbins won't work with a standard bobbin winder.

Hmmm... then I wonder if a fishing reel winder would do it

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A standard bobbin winder can be modified to do it but as the bobbins are tapered they cannot be set up to automatically release when the bobbin is full. There is a way to do it but I don't want to share the method as one day I plan to offer them for sale - eventually - when I get time - when I set my lathe up.

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I've been trying to wind my bobbins with the average type winder (original item) on my old Consew 18. It's very comical if you watch me do it.... the problem is that the bobbin's hole for the 29K60 (large bobbin model) is too small to fit over the stud of the old original winder on my consew 18. So I fit it on the very tip (just sits on the end really) then I press my index finger against the outside of the bobbin during the winding process to hold it in place. It's a very wobbly technique and pops off several times during a single bobbin winding, despite me trying to be careful. Time consuming too. What exactly is the "spindle with the eccentric" that Anne Bonnys Locker mentioned?

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What about sticking the bobbin onto a piece of dowel rod and winding it with a cordless drill ?

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Yep, that would work I'm sure... and it'll be less comical probably. I'll do that in the meantime (thanks for the tip) but still though I'd prefer something permanently mounted somewhere.

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