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Western Split Reins

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Just wondering if someone can tell me the most common width and thickness for a pair of split reins. I have been making mine 5/8" wide out of W&C bridle (single thickness) but now find out that everyone wants heavier reins. As I cant source any thicker bridle leather I'm wondering do I sew two lengths together, if so all the way along or do I taper it off about half way and increase the width to 3/4". Some expert advice would be most appreciated.



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I make mine from doubled 7/9 oz latigo , and sew in a popper at the bottom. The popper extends about 4" past the doubled latigo. The popper also adds a little weight to the end to hang good and be able to slide one when you need to. I skive the top end and sandwich it between the two main body pieces. I sew them up and use water loops for the bit end. After they are made up, I 10 second dip them in olive oil and let them drip. It gives them a body, weight, and feel I like. I used to make 5/8 and 3/4 widths. Never failed, if all I had left was 5/8, they wanted 3/4, if all I was 3/4, they wanted 5/8. Now I make them 11/16". I can sell them either way - full 5/8 or scant 3/4. I cut them the length of the side, tail end to the head of the hide. I keep them paired, and sell them by length. Some people like a 7 footer for babies, and others like 8 footers for big horses or showing a cutter. I just mark them for length and hang them up.

Here's a testimonial a customer left on my blog - "You make the most awesome reins. I’ve won quite a bit of money NRCHA with them." She is understating things a bit on her end, she's a campaigner and as a non-pro she has trained I think 4 Supreme Reined Cowhorses in the NRCHA.

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Another option is to go get some Thoroughbred tanned harness leather. Cut you rens with the tail from the neck and the bit end from the butt. Thoroughbred makes I think it's a 15/17 oz harness. They will be plenty heavy for anybody. Those Thoroughbred sides tend to be really long to so I can generally get reins to be in between 8 and 9 foot long. And that's a pretty harness leather just used water and Feibings Yellow Paste Saddle Soap and it slicks edges up real nice. 5/8" reins are my most popular size. Hope thats helps.



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I do mine like RWB except I use 15 / 17 wickett & Craig. these hides are generally a bull or older animal hide and tend to have a nice heavy neck on them that puts some weight to the ends. hope thats helpful


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When I made the reins to make that saddle I built, I rolled the bodies of the reins over at a certain point to make them the weight I wanted, I think I used 7/9oz. but I'd have to go to the barn and check before I could tell you you for certain

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