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Keeper of Tradition

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About Keeper of Tradition

  • Rank
    New Member

Profile Information

  • Interests
    Learning to keep an old family hobbie/tradition for my children and other youth

LW Info

  • Interested in learning about
    Leatherwork projects, stamping,stitching and carving
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    Google a situation for help
  1. Thank you Zuludog and TwinOaks. I appreciate the suggestions and guidance. As far as leatherwork or saddlery goes ... it is pathetic where I am located. I live in an equestrian community and 15 minutes from Palm Beach Polo Grounds, home of the largest if not the largest equestrian festival in the US. The big Rodeo show in Okeechobee is about 50 miles due west of me. Yet there are not leather shops except Woodys. He repairs and sells riding boots, but is not real encouraging to anyone in the hobby. Anyhow, thank you all many blessings and Merry Christmas.
  2. I am relatively new to leatherworking. I used to do a lot of small projects when we had a local Tandy store here in West Palm Beach, 1993. I come from a long line of leatherworkers. My great Uncle Benny made all the regular and parade tack for the Detroit Mounted Police. He died when I was young, but I remember going to his shop and seeing all the saddles/tack and photos of the police and parades. Anyhow I have been working on tooling and a few small projects, but looking for a guild or someone who offers instruction. There was a guild a few years back out in Okeechobee, but I can't seem to locate any information. I am trying to get my too young sons exposed to this craft, as they have shown interest and I've made them some projects. Any suggestions? Secondly, I have leather from Tandy from years back and other more recent leather/projects. I can't seem to get a consistent mm reading that compares to the ounces. Also some 2-3 oz leather is more firm that my 4 oz leather. As I have to online/mailorder anything from where I live, I want to make sure I get the right leaher for the project. Kinda long message and I have many others, but don't want to inundate. Thank you
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