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What Price Would You Put On This Seat

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I have had a few inquiries from people on the seat I made for my bike, haven't got a clue how much I would charge for one. I made the pan, got it powder coated, and then the leather work.


Edited by Madhatterxlch

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Ok got a picture uploaded.

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I have seen people online saying custom leather hand tooled seats starting at 700. I guess in the end it is worth what you are will to accept and what someone is willing to offer.

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Add the price of the pan, powder coating, padding, leather, shipping for those items. Decide how much you are willing to accept for an hour of your time and multiply that by the number of hours you have invested in it. Decide if you are going to add any mark up on the pan and powder coating since you have time investad in ordering them taking the pan to be powder coated etc. Now add all of that up. Ask your self if you are willing accept that for what you have put into it. Then ask your self if you would be willing to pay that much if you were the one buying it. Adjust your price accordingly. Also look around at shops and in magazines see what they are selling for. Overpricing is easy to correct if you create one attempt to sell it and the seat does not sell you can drop your price. On the other hand if you price yourself to low and your seat is sold it is to late.

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Good lookin seat, I'm sure you got some hrs in that tooling, it look machine sewed?

Just curious, what did you use for a finish

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$450 tops not 700 for that:( somebody's numbers are off a bit.... Been making bike gear forever for solo seats like that the market isn't so high on price but if it was a 2 up seat then yes 700 but not for a solo seat.... I do and go to shows all over the world and for a tooled solo seat without being a famous person making leather $375-450 tops and for that particular seat somewhere in the middle of that estimate should be easy to sell. Especially on one of those small Biltwell style seat pans.

Edited by chancey77

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