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  1. Ok, so now I know what the shuttle point is, thanks so all taht replied! We tried to time the needlebar, now, our shuttle hooks are at approximately 8 oclock when the needle is at its furthest downstroke. WHen we move the needle so it is in the correct position, the needle hits the feed dogs. We took the WHOLE shuttle area apart and tried to reposition the shuttle hooky thing, it only will go back on one way. We can now take that part apart with our eyes closed and hands behind our back..... . Another story, apparently the person that owned the machine before us took it apart and when putting back together put a 4-40 fine thread screw in, that wouldn't hold, so we hae spent all last night and most of today looking for the 6-40 fine thread. If anyone else ever has that problem, go to a gun smith, they use the 6-40 to attach scopes! Hope this little tidbit helps someone someday! ANyone give us some insight on the shuttle being in the correct position.
  2. OMG thanks so much! Will Google it now. We just bought the machine and can not use it!
  3. We just bought a 31-15 for $135.00 and it worked great until I tried to sew a few stitches. The bobbin thread got all messed up, I ahd to pull the piece with thread up out of the dogs and now the needle will not pick up the bobbin thread. The gentleman that sold it to us showed us how to "time" the needle bar but now I can not remember what the "shuttle point" is. I read numerous pieces taht tells me to put the needle (when fully down) at 1/16" inch at shuttle point. Can some one tell me wht and where that is? I know what the shuttle is but do not know where the "shuttle point" is. Thanks so much we are so anxious to start using the machine!
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