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Some Help Needed To Retime My Singer

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help!! i was sewing along quite nicely until i caused a rat's nest somehow. my 211g155 apparently went out of time. now i can't get it to do anything. the bobbin case just twirls around like a top and i can't get this beast to sew. i have the manual, but the photos aren't clear as to how to time ths thing. anyone??

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Unthread the needle first. Clear the thread completely out of the bobbin basket and below it. When it is totally clear, press down on the safety clutch button on the bed of the machine, closest to the bobbin case. Turn the wheel away from you until the clutch engages with a snap. Let go of the button and rotate the wheel in the normal ccw direction. The hook should now meet the needle as it begins its upstroke.

Rethread the needle and test.

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ok....i did it. but there's something binding in the machine. when i rotate the wheel CCW, it becomes real hard to turn it. but if i turn the wheel clockwise for a fraction of a degree, it releases and is smooth until the next HALF rotation. it seems to do it twice a rotation. it's done this before, but if i remember correctly, it cleared itself eventually.

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Wiz is right, these machines have safety clutches and need to be reset as stated, if its still a bit stiff I'd think you still have a piece of thread stuck somewhere, best not to turn machine backwards if poss. Keep looking, its doubtful that you've bent a shaft, on some models the handwheel mysteriously tightens up close to the machine body and any slight wobble in that wheel/shaft will cause a tight spot, but again is not that common. regards STeve

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i missed this reply....thank you, steve. i sepped away from it for a few days. i'll poke around with a pick and flashlight.....errrr....torch.

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You might have thread stuck in the bobbincase area,put some oil on it,all the way around the outside if the bobbincase,so it runs into the hook,then turn the machine back & forth to free it up.

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A customer had a similar problem with his Seiko that has much the same shuttle setup and it keeps doing it. On inspection it was obvious that the bobbin case has been replaced with a Chinese version and the tolerances are just not right so it keeps pulling a thread between the shuttle body and the bobbin case.

A complete new Hirose assembly should fix the problem.

In your case it could be that a piece of thread is stuck between the shuttle body and case so you may have to take off the retaining ring to pull it apart. Warning - the screws are tiny so do it in a place where they cannot roll into a crack on the floor if you drop one!

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