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Billy P

best oil to use, ie Lexol, pure neatsfoot, or what?

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Hi everybody, even though I've been doing leatherwork on and off for a while I have a question, but first a few comments. If things work out I will probably be trying to do at least one solo seat for a Harley Sportster and maybe get started on an old buddy seat off of a 1952 Harley 3-Wheeler for my bro-in-law. He's been dragging his feet on getting the seat pan ready,LOL he don't get in a hurry. My questions are do I do a light oiling before I dye it or after? What is the best oil to use, ie Lexol, pure neatsfoot, or what? After the oiling and dying what is the best finish to use, Satin sheen, Super Sheen, Resolene, All in one, etc, ? The Solo seat is going to be, probablely medium Brown, he's really not sure yet, just knows it won't be black. I never even knew about oiling leather until a year or 2 ago. Most of what I had done was small cases, belts, pictures and things like that, and oh yeah some ladies bags plus checkbook covers and the like. I hate to ask such a question, but I'd rather ask and learn and do the guy a good job, than not ask thus not know and make him something that won't hold up under weather and use. Any help and answers will be greatly appreciated. Billy P

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Hay Billy, I'll jump in since it's been a couple days.

First off, never hate to ask questions, I have questions I'll be asking that others think I should know but if you haven't had an occation to need to know then you gotta ask when the occation does arise. I think that's what this board is all about. Most folks are self taught and don't have the luxury of having a mentor near by.

If you are charging for your work then you just saved yourself a trunk load of headache by asking.

Now I'll tell you what I do which is not to be confused with the only way to do it.

I do a light oil before adding stains or dies. My reason is because virgin leather is ready to soak up anything at a fast rate. Meaning that when you first touch it with your sreading instrument, that place is going to soak up more than the rest of the leather in that stroke. A light oil coat will make those fibers not so thirsty and allow you to get a more even distribusion of color. I'll leave the finish coat to others except to say that I use TanKote or the like, but there are seat makers on here that can tell you what holds up better to weather and hairy legged biker butts. Good Luck, G.Hackett

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