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suggest as a topcoat finish for this photo album, neatlac, supersheen, satinsheen

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I posted this in the dyes & finishes and had no responses, so I'm posting here.

What would you suggest as a topcoat finish for this photo album, neatlac, supersheen, satinsheen, etc...





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My favorite finish that I use on everything is Tan Kote made by Fiebings. It gives your work a nice shine and will allow the end user to oil and condition the leather years down the road.

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I personally like the look of Atom Wax w/ Leather Balm. Oh and the design of that book is WICKED ! Mind sharing the template for the book and the artwork?

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Thanks for the responses folks.

Just Wakin' Up

I'd be glad to share. When I get home, I'll get it to you.


I've never tried Tankote. That gives me something to go buy. :evillaugh:


I was hoping you would chime in. I like the look of the finishes you do on your projects. Teach me!!! :notworthy:


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I use a light coat of pure neatsfoot oil, when that levels, and application of TanKote by Feibings and when that's all dry follow up with NeatLac by Tandy. Nice inverted carving, by the way.


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abn, I was hoping you would chime in. I like the look of the finishes you do on your projects. Teach me!!! :notworthy:

:blush: Thanks for the kind words. Here's my formula for getting the best out of Satin Shene:

Apply the lightest first coat you can using a small piece of cotton rag. Let dry 10 minutes. Apply the lightest second coat you can. Let dry 10 minutes and then buff with a dry cotton rag. Apply the lightest third coat you can, let dry 10 minutes and buff again. Then let the piece dry overnight.

Big mistakes I've made in the past are applying fewer heavier coats (frankly, this is a no-no for any finish) or not waiting for each coat to fully dry.

Also, you probably already know this, but be sure to try out any new finish on a piece of scrap to make sure you get the effect you want. That's a truly beautiful album, and you want to be 100% satisfied with your finish.

Best, -Alex

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