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Doug C

lined soft sided gun case

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I would like to make a soft sided gun case for a scoped rifle. I would like to line the case with a synthetic shearling or wool and make the case useing 4/5 oz chap leather for the body.

What is the best construction technique to use for this type of case? Should I roll the edges at the seam and trim the shearling back 1/2 inch?

I'm not sure I'm making myself clear but I am hopeing someone else has made a case like this and could steer me in the right direction.



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I would like to make a soft sided gun case for a scoped rifle. I would like to line the case with a synthetic shearling or wool and make the case useing 4/5 oz chap leather for the body.

What is the best construction technique to use for this type of case? Should I roll the edges at the seam and trim the shearling back 1/2 inch?

I'm not sure I'm making myself clear but I am hopeing someone else has made a case like this and could steer me in the right direction.



If youre going to use any zipper, i would keep the shearling away from it. other then that, i would say its up to you how you want to build it.

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Doug, I repaired one a few years back and they had cut the synthetic sheepskin about 3/4" smaller all the way around, stitched a 3/4" strip of chap to the outside edge of the shearling. Glued it all together and then stitched through the outside and the chap strip. Make any sense?

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Doug, I repaired one a few years back and they had cut the synthetic sheepskin about 3/4" smaller all the way around, stitched a 3/4" strip of chap to the outside edge of the shearling. Glued it all together and then stitched through the outside and the chap strip. Make any sense?

Thanks Elton,

Yea that makes sense to me. I was having trouble with how far back to cut the wool. I tried making up a small case for a handgun and at the seam I had so much bulk I had trouble holding it all together. It felt like a stuffed pillow when I finally got it together. I think if I cutt it back as far as 3/4" to 1" I'll be able to make that seam come together much better.


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