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A Few Tips For "marketplace Handbag" Makers

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I have now made 3 Tandy "Marketplace Handbags"

I have a tip or two for those wanting to make one. I downloaded the pattern(no longer made as a kit) from the Tandy website.

The pdf leaves a LOT to be desired. It's worthless as the pictures don't download. They come out as partial pictures on each page that can't be cut and pasted.

I got another from CODY here on the forum.

Thank you again Cody!!!!

1-, the side strips should be laid out with the front an back panels butted up against each other. MAKE THE STRIPS WIDER than the pattern so that the 1/8" slits fit across them. I would START marking the slits ON the strips so that they come out evenly and don't split the sides as you go around.

2-totally wet the bottom (gusset) just before you assemble it!!! It NEVER fits well if you cut it, mark the notches, curl the sides to a 90* angle and let it dry. Wet it and use binder clips all the way around and let it dry. Perfect fit!

Use a straight, not angled, lace punch for the inside of the hand hold. YOU CANT DOUBLE LOOP LACE AROUND WITH ANGLED HOLES!! I did and had to revert to buckstitching which turned out looking good even though I double laced the bottom and top.

I hope that this is of help.


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