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veg tan rusting blades

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Hi !!!

A have a problem with the veg tan leather.

Some of these, rusts a lot the blades of the knives I made the sheaths.

What do you use to prevent corrosion ?

I do my sheaths unlining.

Thanks !!

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Luis, not uncommon where you and I live .Very high humidity and the leather holds moisture.First, I don't store my knives in the sheaths and I also usually rub down my blades with a good paste wax such as Birchwood/Casey Gunstock wax. As far the sheaths go I seal the inside with Fiebings Leather Sheen and that helps repel the moisture.Works for me. Dave

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Luis, not uncommon where you and I live .Very high humidity and the leather holds moisture.First, I don't store my knives in the sheaths and I also usually rub down my blades with a good paste wax such as Birchwood/Casey Gunstock wax. As far the sheaths go I seal the inside with Fiebings Leather Sheen and that helps repel the moisture.Works for me. Dave

DC Knives is spot on on the advice. A knife really shouldn't be stored in its sheath when put away for a period of time. I prefer S30V steel and it does not seem to rust as bad as carbon steel but it is such a high end knife steel that I wouldn't want to take the chance anyway. I store my knives in nylon cases when they are not on me.

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Ok I can finally say something helpful here...

Depending upon your humidty, air temp and the material (10xx, O-seies, D-series) steels as mentioned before do not store ANY knife in leather..even ones that are so called "stainless steels" cause "cutlery grade" stainless steels can corrode and when they do it is down right fugly...they get all black and "cruddy" with a "spider web" pattern of corrosion.

I am not one to suggest he use of a paste wasx, personal prejudice I know but I have never had good luck with them. Living in Southern Nevada a humid day is far between. Rather a quality oil will do the trick. Personally I LOVE Ballistol..I use this snake oil for EVERYTHING from lube, cleaner, leather dressing anything and everything and it even cured my son's diaper rash. Plus it is non toxic and smlles alot like licorice.

Keep them out of the leather, clean and dry, lighly oiled and you should be OK..


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I'm with JPH. It's all in the name: stainless! It stains (rust, corrodes) less than carbon steel, that's all. The Nazi lube works on everything, boots, belts, holsters, migas, tacos, enchiladas, tamales, tortillas - four or corn.

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A gunsmith showed me a horribly corroded stainless steel revolver that had been stored in a leather holster for about 1 year. Yeah, this is a high humidity area. Nylon may be less of a problem because it doesn't have the residual acids, but nylon will absorb water. Kydex is probably the least likely to contribute to a corrosion problem.

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I never store a knife in his leather sheath more than a week. I make all my knives with carbon steel and ALWAYS cover the sheath (outside and inside) and the knife with Sinensis Chinese Camellia Oil. The french and german knifemakers use this oil. By my experience is the better way for a good care of blade and sheath. I supposse there are more ways.

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I never store a knife in his leather sheath

All there is to say about that, good on ya

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