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I am trying to find a mold for a 4" 1911. I can find a Colt Commander mold, but it's a 4-1/4" barrel, not a 4".

Can anybody help?

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Do you leave the bottom of your holsters open ? If so buy a 5" and just use it......

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Got a hacksaw ?

The 1/4 inch will be lost in the detail, . . . just use the commander, . . . or buy the commander and hacksaw the thing.

May God bless,


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I like to have some leather wrap around the muzzle, so that probably won't work... but (and correct me if I'm wrong) isn't there a difference in the length of the frame dust cover between the 5" and the Commander, anyway?

EDIT: Sorry, Dwight, I didn't see your post. I suppose modifying a mold is an option, if all else fails.

Edited by BHPshooter

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