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About Leaddriver

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  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
  1. Sorry the link did not work here it is again http://www.authentic-campaigner.com/forum/showthread.php?28303-Pommel-Holsters...... http://www.authentic-campaigner.com/forum/showthread.php?28303-Pommel-Holsters...... hopefully this will work Bill
  2. Nice work on the holsters. Here is a link that has photos of real civil war pommel holsters. My link If you look all of them have brass fittings on the ends... does away with the need to sew in the toe plug. Thought everybody would like to see the real thing. Bill
  3. I was reading an 1860's military manual and it lists Shoe thread and Patent thread for the saddler. My question is what is Patent thread? Can anyone help with this. Thanks
  4. Thanks for the input so far!!! Dave I have to agree about finding a period lists of weights for leather. The two items that I am working on are a Gunners Haversack and a Tube pouch, both of these are used in the artillery. What is interesting to me is that the haversack is lighter weight and the tube pouch is heavy based on your info. I would think that the Haversack would be a thicker leather because of the weight carried in it. For those that don't know the Haversack is used to carry the powder and projectile from the limber to the cannon. The tube pouch only holds the lanyard, vent prick, and friction primers, which is a fraction of the weight carried in the other. Thanks again Bill
  5. I am looking at military equipment from the 1850-60's and need some help as to the terms used. First is russet bag leather, I know what russet is however what is bag leather and what might the weight be? Question number two sole leather, what is the weight of this? I can not find a description of either one of these terms. I have looked in an ordnance manual but it does not have leather listed, has everything else. Any answers would be a great help, Thanks Bill
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