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Stamps, Swivel Knife, Books

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With my 14-16 hour work days, I found that I could still do a little leathercrafting, but am giving up on carving. I simply couldn't case and sit around for the leather to return to it natural colour when I only have an hour or so before I need to get some sleep at the end of the day. This often results in very rush practise sessions which takes away the joy of the craft. It has become a stressful chore instead.

Most of the tools were never used. And all had a dab of Singer oil while in storage, so no worries on corrosion.

I've done my calculations and there's about $295 worth of stuff here (conservatively speaking). It could be slightly more due to the 3 craft japan stamps.

Anyhow, here they are for the next better player at a low starting price of $99 http://www.ebay.com/...984.m1555.l2649

Edited by reddevil76

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