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About LilyLambda

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Bay Area, California

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    belts & accessories
  • Interested in learning about
    garments & jackets
  1. Update: I solved the problem by combining a few strategies. First, I got a shorter punch (1" instead of 1.5"). Second, I went with Osbourne. (There are also punches from Midas and Zack White but they're about the same width). Third, I got more attractive brass buckles whose tongues used up the full width anyway.
  2. Hi, I'm looking for an oblong punch (1.5" or 1.75") in length to use when making the buckle hole on belts. Unfortunately the tools I've tried so far (Tandy) create a punch that is too wide. The tool description claims 1/8" width. Where can I find an oblong punch that is narrower?
  3. Very cool! What's the name of that program/macro? I may get it. I'm using the Tandy small rivets and have a full 2" height, so there ought to be plenty of room!
  4. Say I'd like to have a belt that says "LILY LAMBDA" all written in rivets. (In fact, I would like that very much) How do I lay out the letters nicely so I know where to put the rivets? I could draw a grid and try to handwrite my own LED-looking font, but I'm wondering if there's a better way. It would be real magic if there was a program where I could put in the dimensions of the leather, the dimensions of the rivet heads, and kaboom — it makes a printable guide for you. What have you tried?
  5. Thanks for the advice. Definitely lines up with what I've been able to piece together. (My do I wish there was more tanning information out there!) I ended up putting on bag kote -> neatsfoot oil -> obenauf's oil. Hopefully in time with wear and additional oil applications it will get a more greasy feel.
  6. First post! In the gay leather community the most highly regarded leather feel/type is always called "oil tanned." I've noticed it's a pretty ambiguous and inexact term. Everything from chamois to leathers that have been given a good grease rub-down seems to get called oil-tanned. So without getting into definitions, how do I get that rough greasy feel of "oil-tanned" leathers? Wesco, Chippewa, and Carolina boots are some outstanding examples of the feel I'm going for. Pretty much anything (belts, chest harnesses, sam browns, arm cuffs, etc) made from a high-end gear manufacturer like Mr S Leather in San Francisco also has that feeling (warning: their site models the stuff in rather pornographic ways!). The gear feels rough and greasy and never has a discernible hard finish if you turn it on its side. Tanning: are oil-tanned leathers chrome-tanned? I believe that's how Wescos are made, but I'm not sure. I'm using 8oz vege-tan straps, so I have no options on that point. Dying: I've surface dyed it many coats around with Fiebings pro oil dye to get good penetration. Looks very black now. Finishing: should I use Bag Kote? It seems like one of the most matte options. The angelus acrylic ones look way hard/shiny from my tests, even the matte one. Getting the greasy feeling: what should I add to encourage that supple greasy feeling I'm used to? Check out my profile to see the products I frequently use as a bootblack to maintain these garments. Maybe they'll give you a hint as to what I'm getting at. Any ideas appreciated!
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