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How Do I Shrink A Pair Of Leather Gloves?

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I have a pair of leather gloves that's a little bit too big. Is there a way to shrink them a little bit?

Getting the leather wet and letting them dry should do it. There will be no way to control the shrinkage.

A second attempt may be what we do with shrinking/stretching boots, mix 50% rubbing alcohol and 50% water in a spray bottle, add 2 drops of liquid dish soap.

Spray the gloves inside and out and wear them until they are dry. You could also try this after letting them shrink on their own by wetting and letting them dry without wearing.

Hope this may help.


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I have a pair of leather gloves that's a little bit too big. Is there a way to shrink them a little bit?

Right upfront I'll admit I like Rick's reply better because mine is of the OMG type...

pair of gloves that I was in a hurry to dry, they shrank, but only where I had small amount of oil on them....when I put them IN MICROWAVE!

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Stanly....I'm soooo glad you posted the microwave story! Now I know I'm not alone. Back in the day, I rode bulls for a living and would always soak a new riding glove in rubbing alcohol and then wear it until it was dry. When it was dry, it fit like....well like a glove...LOL. Anyway, I got a pair of work gloves for Christmas a couple years ago that were a touch too big. Didn't have any rubbing alcohol around, but figured water would work. Soaked 'em, and like you was in a hurry. I thought that if time dried the bullriding gloves to a perfect fit, then a little rapid time in the micro should work too. I threw the wet gloves in, punched up 45 seconds, waited for the ding....and out came a glove that was harder than rawhide and the size of a tiny mutilated hand!! Safe to say, my kids haven't let me forget that brainstorm of an idea.

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