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Copyright, Etc.

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I'm sure that there's been a topic about copyright issues already but I can't find anything specific about patterns.

I would be grateful if someone could answer the following question:

Suppose I take Chan Geer's belt patterns book.

The book has a footnote that says:

Owners of this book may make copies of patterns for their own use, but not for sale or dissemination to others. Otherwise, no part of this book might be reproduced, transmitted or stored in any form ... without written permission of the author.

I understand that I cannot print out copies of this book on my home printer & sell them on ebay, however, if I was to take a pattern from the book, carve it and then sell the carved belt, would that be breach of Chan's copyright?

Effectively, I am making a copy for my own use with a view of selling the carved belt. But it is the belt I'm selling, not the pattern, right?

Thank you,


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I'm sure that there's been a topic about copyright issues already but I can't find anything specific about patterns.

I would be grateful if someone could answer the following question:

Suppose I take Chan Geer's belt patterns book.

Effectively, I am making a copy for my own use with a view of selling the carved belt. But it is the belt I'm selling, not the pattern, right?

Thank you,


See #45 of this thread http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=3345&hl=%20pattern%20%20copyright&st=30

And, you are selling a belt, not selling a pattern.

Note that copyright law is not identical in all countries, but most subscribe to an international copyright convention.


Edited by northmount

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Simple answer is to ask Chan for permission.

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