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Pre Finished Embossable Leather

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I have a customer who wants me to cut and sew up simple journal shells that he will emboss. No idea how he is doing the embossing but he says he has the equipment, so I will figure that part out later.

Is anyone aware of a pre-finished leather in several colors that will take an emboss? Not interested in using veg tan and finishing after the fact. The designs he will be embossing are fairly complex and seem to cover the entire outside of the book.

I see these things around and don't realy know how to find this leather. Here's a good example. They are usually softer than a veg tan and I've seen colors like green and red. Any thoughts?


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Any leather will emboss, you're only pressing a hard metal stamp onto a surface.

I'm assuming by saying pre finished you mean a chrome tanned leather with some kind of gloss or matte look. You need to provide more details; how thick is the cover going to be, how are you stitching the leather (are you top stitching on a machine/hand sewing, bagging out, linging it?...) .

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