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About cristabel

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  1. One more question: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CIayaGo8ge0 what is this machine? It is flat bed? cylinder?
  2. I though about Adler 167 or 267. But I am not sure what condition it will be. And anyway they cost 700-1000$. You have something on Your mind?
  3. Thank You guys. I think I will go for 1541. I found lu-1508, but it cost here over 3.000$. I think for first machine 1541 will be ok. If somehow I will manage my new job with success I will buy 441 or its substitute. But 1541 is not something I will regret, right? Best regards
  4. Hello Really thank You. But.... I can't find anywhere in Poland Juki LU-1508. I send couple request to mashines selling companies, I will wait. But If I may, can You tell me what is the difference between DNU 1541 and 1508? Why 1508 is better for accesories? And is rest of machines I mentioned is not worth to think? I will focus on Juki then. Regards
  5. Hello I am new here, so hello to everybody. I am from Poland and there is not much info about industrial machines in Polish sites, actually I have found nothing about it. I keep visiting this forum for month, and the same time I am searching info about sewing leather. I sell clothes online for 9 years and I decided to start making some of my own. I have familiar, very talented tailor, but she has only old light weight sewing machines. Now I am looking for my first machine for leather. My favorites for now are: 1. one of less expensive: HIGHLEAD GC0618-1-SC , TYPICAL GC 6-7 or GC0628 (Juki 241H clone). 2. little pricier: JUKI DNU-1541 or HIGHLEAD GC20618-1. More expensive machines have vertical bobbin and there is one difference I can find myself. Is this important? Or maybe they have more features, more important. I have no idea how it goes so I am not sure is it worth to spend much money. But if sewing will be worth it or just give me fun, hobby and good spending my time - I don't want that for couple years it will turn out I could spend little more and make sewing much easier and just nicer. Oh, I forgot to mension - I have no clue about sewing.... for now. I have Highlead major distributor in my city, 10minutes from my home, but I don't know how to compare to Juki - can I or my tailor will know the diffrence (she do her job 50years). I think it is major Highlead's advantage for me. But Juki is very known in Poland, and it is Japanese. Please treat me with indulgence, I don't want to ask stupid questions, I just don't want to spend 1-2.000$ in stupid way. Regards. Damian
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