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Feed Dog Polish Rework 45K/ga5 Ect

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I've recently acquired ,almost given a GA5. The machine was purchased by the previous owner and never used. I do mainly belts and Holsters.I have an aerostitch which has been more than adequate for my needs. The GA5 was a steal,and I would like to dedicate it to belts(unfinished backs),as sometimes I have a helper that I could dedicate to stitching belts.

The GA5 is up and running good, I noticed on other posts some have polished feed dogs to minimize

Effect from the feed. Does anyone have any pictures,or explain how much of the dogs should be altered and polished,and still maintain enough to feed.

The knowledge in this forum is unbelievable ,and I thank all the main contributors for their time.

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The GA5 machines are entirely bottom feeders. Doing just about anything to the feed dog will reduce the quality of feed. To partially compensate you might have to convert it into a roller foot machine.

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Thanks Wiz.

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There are a couple of steps to take:

1/ Look at the feed dog height as it should be about 1mm at the bottom setting. If it is too high then take it out and grind off the bottom end so it sits further down.

2/ Take to the teeth with a flap disc fitted to a drill as this will take off the sharp edges.

3/ Look at the finish under the foot and if it is crap then hit it with the same flap disc.

4/ Roller feet are available. I sell them on ebay but pretty sure Bob Kovar will have them too.

5/ When sewing with a 45k the way to get the stitch length even is to hold the job with BOTH hands. Left in front and right behind

Two of the top saddlers in Australia do 90% of their work on 45k's so don't believe the negativity about them. They are probably the most common leather machine ever built.

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Thanks Darren

,I get a good stitch ( consistent stitch length )just trying to minimize work on the back of the belts. The dogs are Close to 2 mm when down. I'll take it off tomorrow and fit it as you mentioned,I'll also knock the sharp edges off the top.

Thanks again

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