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Status Updates posted by LNLeather

  1. If 'YOU' are a Contributing Member

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  2. Very cute - talking dog on youtube

  3. ?? Can't get my wallet to lay flat... hmmm

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. LNLeather


      Sylvia - really? Thanks - I have it under a heavy weight, trying to see if that will help

    3. Spinner


      Glad to help! =)

    4. Sylvia


      Yes, if it weren't that way it

      would not fold right. (too much

      material at the fold)

  4. ...White shores, and beyond, a far green country under a swift sunrise....

  5. "Blessed are we who can laugh at ourselves ~ For we shall never cease to be amused!" And This will be a better world when the Power of Love replaces the Love of Power ~

  6. “Education is when you read the fine print. Experience is what you get if you don’t.”

  7. “If everyone demanded peace instead of another television set, then there’d be peace.”

    1. LNLeather


      that's a quote by - John Lennon



      How about if everyone tossed their TV's? I turned mine off over 3 years ago.

    3. LNLeather


      Great idea – I did that for about 3 years - when I bought my property and didn’t have electricity. Kerosene lights & propane fridge & stove… It’s a different world without TV. Mostly now I just watch Old Movies. I Wonder - how many people could actually turn the TV off and not watch - unless the electricity goes out and they have no choice?

  8. <----Nice tote with floral in the gallery!

  9. 211 X 3 1/2" rounds from one hide

  10. 47.8% of people in Seattle Area say they're loving this cold & wet summer weather

  11. alot - is not one word

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. WinterBear


      "1,900 m above mean seal level"

      was one I found (and found it

      very funny too). What is the

      average level of a seal anyway?

    3. LNLeather


      Oh, that is good!

    4. LNLeather


      Heheheh Just fixed my own mistake - hear to here.

  12. Alot is NOT a word.... I see this "a lot" - it is not one word. Did ya know?

    1. wildrose


      I thought "a lot" referred to a piece of land (i.e. a, singular, lot) whereas "alot" referred to several of something (i.e. alot of deer)

    2. LNLeather


      I made this mistake a loooong time ago, until someone kindly showed me otherwise. Check your dictionary for ‘alot’ and then for ‘lot’. My Dict. Shows 23 definitions for lot. This is just one definition ---→ Often, lots. a great many or a great deal: a lot of books; lots of money.

  13. Amazing video-herding dogs with sheep that have lights filmed at night http://www.wimp.com/sheeplight/

    1. dirtclod


      Pretty durn neat !!

  14. Amazon keeps shipping pkgs by FedEx Smartpost. While ordering “FedEx” requires my physical address – then the pkg sits in Seattle for 3 to 5 days

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. LNLeather


      back the pkg go’s to the Vashon Post Office and they either try to charge me (which I refuse to do) extra $ to deliver the package to my PO Box (which is in the same building) that was supposed to have Free Shipping, or they return the package due to an incorrect address. I used to be able to receive packages in 2 or 3 days from Amazon and now it takes 2 – 3 weeks and a lot of wasted handling. My packages ride the Ferry more than I do.

    3. Sylvia


      File complaint(s) with Federal Express and Amazon and the postal service. Clearly there is a break down with the agreement between these 3. If they get enough complaints... maybe it will get fixed.

    4. LNLeather


      I have explained All this to Amazon - Every time it happens. The Post office here is Fed Up with Fed ex... Fedex is saving way too much $$ to listen to me... :)

  15. Any one hear of this? Bob Marshall Treeless Saddles? http://www.equivisionsfarm.com/saddles.html

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Averya


      Of all the treeless saddles, Bob Marshall is known to be one of the best. That being said, there are many thoughts to treeless saddles. Most endurance riders seem to like them. Personally, I wouldn't put one on the back of my horse.

    3. LNLeather


      Hmmmm, I wonder if your saddle that needs repairing could have been 'fixed' by someone other than the original maker? I did some searching and I see now that some Love the Treeless Saddle and others Wouldn't Touch'em.

      I thought it sounded like a good idea because I have heard and read of some folks having troubles getting a saddle to fit their 'trusty steed'. I guess it is like anything else - a combination of availability, finances and personal preferen...

    4. GrampaJoel


      If this frame would allow pictures I would post the saddle I have in the shop. I don't believe it was repaired prior to coming to me. The people that had it went right out and bought another one. But the price they paid for the new saddle was only around $500.00. Not anyway near the prices Bob Marshall is asking.

  16. Anyone use Blackrock Leather 'n Rich Leather Conditioner? Let me know in my post @ Leatherwork Conversation

  17. Are you feeling lucky? Have you 'Backed Up' your computer lately? Goood thing I did - just before my hard drive quit working. None of my files were lost. Woohoo!

  18. Are you near Opelika, Alabama? Ray South has advertised some FREE acrylic paint... You just need to Pick It Up there...

  19. Are you near Opelika, Alabama? Ray South has advertised some FREE acrylic paint... You just need to Pick It Up there... http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=46111

  20. Are you near Opelika, Alabama? Ray South has advertised some FREE acrylic paint... You just need to Pick It Up there... http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=46111

  21. Arrrrrg - my hotwater heater just sprang a leak shhhhhhh

    1. Sylvia


      ugg... that stinks.

  22. Basket Stamp is Barry King - Border tool is Wayne Jueschke

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