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Status Updates posted by LNLeather

  1. Do you think a Facebook page helps with your sales?

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Double U Leather

      Double U Leather

      I gotta jump into this fray. My FB page has gotten me tons of orders. I've run a few advertising campaigns on it to target my exact customers. It doesn't cost much, and it goes right to the people I am selling to. I think I've got like 2400 likes, and I've probably gotten at least 50 orders from FB. That, combined with my website, combined with word of mouth, has me almost busier than I want to be. I'm quoting new orders 12 weeks turnaround time. Hope my 4 cents (calculati...

    3. LNLeather


      Thanks So Much for your comments Double U Leather. No battle here (I don’t think) just folks with different experiences and ideas. Good to hear you’ve had great success – for good reason of course… Your work is of the highest regard. We have lots to learn from you about what to do to succeed and how to conduct our business.

    4. LBennett


      most of my sales have been thanks to FB allowing me to meet more people and get my work out where more people can see it.

  2. I’d like to say my work is “Made in the USA”, but can I really say that when a lot of the hardware etc that I use is made in China… ?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. EmbossingDieCompany
    3. TXAG


      On the items I sell, I make certain my buyers understand that my items are all made in the USA and are also made with ALL US-sourced materials.

    4. TXAG


      On the items I sell, I make certain my buyers understand that my items are all made in the USA and are also made with ALL US-sourced materials.

  3. alot - is not one word

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. WinterBear


      "1,900 m above mean seal level"

      was one I found (and found it

      very funny too). What is the

      average level of a seal anyway?

    3. LNLeather


      Oh, that is good!

    4. LNLeather


      Heheheh Just fixed my own mistake - hear to here.

  4. I just got a Huge Order - Pretty much everything I can make in a month! WooHoo!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. gunter
    3. Bob Blea

      Bob Blea

      Glad to hear it!

    4. LNLeather


      Thank You all for the good wishes, support and camaraderie. I love the kind support and sharing of a common interest here! Bless you all!

  5. OK, just how old does something have to be - to be called Vintage?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. LNLeather


      Yeah, that was what sparked the question... I see some newly made leatherwork on ebay labeled as Vintage... the Vintage is 2012 - so buyer beware.

    3. David


      Vintage? It's gotta be older than me.

    4. LNLeather


      That's funny - Really! I feel that way too ;)

  6. WOW, yaklady - Those horses are phenomenal! You have obviously been busy - Your work is Awesome!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. LNLeather


      I agree - I especially Love the Horses, the Mule and the covered bridge is amazing! :)

    3. JLSleather


      I give up. After looking at each of them several times, I have failed to pick a favorite. ;)

    4. yaklady


      Personally, I am fond of the mule. It took umpteen million hours to make. Winter Bear, I am going to post in figure carving to answer your questions about the Celtic horses.

  7. Woohoo - new store in town wants to sell my leather work...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. capsterdog
    3. LNLeather


      This is pretty exciting and will definitely be keeping me busy! This will be the third store on the island selling my stuff and I couldn't have done it without Leatherworker.net - I have learned so much from folks here that are happy to share their tips and tricks.

      Thank you All for your kind words

    4. WScott


      good for you!


  8. I was watching an episode of an old TV Series called “Due South” and the RCM Fraser was cleaning his leather boots. It looked like he had cleaned them and put some conditioner on them and he was using a hot iron to touch up the boots in 2 or three places. Do the Royal Canadian Mounties have a trick up their sleeve, or was it just meant to be funny?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. lightningad


      my brother was in the Household Cavalry - ad they used to do something very similar to get the high polish on the boots. I know the mounted soldiers outside Buck Palace need help to get on the horses because if they flex too much, the wax on the boots cracks and falls off ! Never could understand why they didnt just use varnish!

    3. Greenwood


      I was in the Royal Canadian Mounties for 30+ yrs. High brown come pebbly when new. We used to iron our boots after a build-up of polish. The heat from a hot iron flattens the pebbles and gives a mirror finish once polished. Greenwood

    4. LNLeather


      Wow, that is Grrreat to know! Thank You! I was hoping there was something realistic to that bit in the movie!

      And I bet you could write a book, about your years with the RCMP - Thanks again!

  9. Measure Twice and Cut Once

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sylvia


      "one for the customer... and one for a little person."

    3. Phatdaddy


      "I don't understand, ...I cut it 3 times and its still too darn short!"

    4. Dusty Roots

      Dusty Roots

      Should have told my surgeon that!

  10. ?? Can't get my wallet to lay flat... hmmm

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. LNLeather


      Sylvia - really? Thanks - I have it under a heavy weight, trying to see if that will help

    3. Spinner


      Glad to help! =)

    4. Sylvia


      Yes, if it weren't that way it

      would not fold right. (too much

      material at the fold)

  11. OMG - My Sympathies for Everyone in the line of fire - Fire near Cle Elum burns 70 homes & wildfires continue to rage

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Cyberthrasher


      I'm down in the Lewiston Clarkston area, so we get all the smoke from the fires every year.

    3. Sylvia


      We are getting smoke down here too but not as much as you are Allen.

    4. LNLeather
  12. Any one hear of this? Bob Marshall Treeless Saddles? http://www.equivisionsfarm.com/saddles.html

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Averya


      Of all the treeless saddles, Bob Marshall is known to be one of the best. That being said, there are many thoughts to treeless saddles. Most endurance riders seem to like them. Personally, I wouldn't put one on the back of my horse.

    3. LNLeather


      Hmmmm, I wonder if your saddle that needs repairing could have been 'fixed' by someone other than the original maker? I did some searching and I see now that some Love the Treeless Saddle and others Wouldn't Touch'em.

      I thought it sounded like a good idea because I have heard and read of some folks having troubles getting a saddle to fit their 'trusty steed'. I guess it is like anything else - a combination of availability, finances and personal preferen...

    4. GrampaJoel


      If this frame would allow pictures I would post the saddle I have in the shop. I don't believe it was repaired prior to coming to me. The people that had it went right out and bought another one. But the price they paid for the new saddle was only around $500.00. Not anyway near the prices Bob Marshall is asking.

  13. I ordered a new emboss die from EmbossingDieCompany on Friday the 21st and it has been made and will arrive on Thursday. Awesome Service! Thank You Steve!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ReneeCanady


      Found the Etsy shop :)

    3. LNLeather


      Steve’s member name here is EmbossingDieCompany

      At etsy his business name is called CustomMadeStuff


      or you can email Steve at custommadestuff@gmail.com

    4. ReneeCanady


      Thanks LNLeather

  14. Oxalic acid - or lemon juice - & why…… ?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. drphil


      Don't get me started on the whole "organic" food stuff. Sorry for the rant . . . pet peeve of mine :-)

    3. LNLeather


      MSDS for oxalic acid http://www.sciencestuff.com/msds/C2193.html Lemon juice I can drink,,, 'nuff said. :-)

    4. LNLeather


      moving this question over to Leatherwork Conversation..... Thank you! :-)

  15. Record Snowfall...... Sure is purty to look at

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kcinnick


      Glad to give out a Belly laugh, I can't even be funny trying to be funny. We have only had what I believe ya'll wouldn't call snow 3 times in teh past 29 years, and two of them have been in the past 4 years.

      77 today, I am going to grill some Ribeyes in a bit, gotta use the whole cow.

    3. LNLeather


      I think you are funnier than you may think - you have a great sense of humor! Sooooo are you saying it was 77 degrees today, or was it your birrrthday?

    4. Kcinnick


      It was 77 degrees, and the steaks were great.

  16. Sine = the trigonometric function that is equal to the ratio of the side opposite a given angle (in a right triangle) to the hypotenuse.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sylvia


      I think it was referring to a sine wave

      Like what one would see on an oscilloscope.

      Like this...


    3. LNLeather
    4. Sylvia


      I have two acrylic templates that do a nice shallow sine wave. I've not used them yet but soon.

  17. Man, if it isnt one thing, it's another.... good thing my neighbor has a backhoe.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. LNLeather


      OK Really Good News now but - I looked at my water bill and it was $20 higher than usual. So YEIKS - I figured I had a leak somewhere and asked my neighbor to come over with his back hoe. Well Neil stopped by to take a look first and it turns out my Garden Hose was leaking…

      Old lesson - learned and forgotten - look for the easiest fix first.

      Since the weather has gotten cold and wet I have been parking inside the (2nd) gate right next to the house. Ba...

    3. Sylvia


      Oh well shoot... here I was thinking the husband got caught doing something... or a beloved horse passed. But I guess this is a much better story... in the long run.

    4. LNLeather


      Sorry - no husband or animal to bury... I just saw that bill and thought the worst. Especially since it has been so cold and wet, almost snowing and I had visions of having my yard and driveway all dug up trying to find the leak... I just feel so darn lucky it was an easy fix.

      Good lesson here - look for the easiest solution first and don't think the worst first...

  18. What is PU leather?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. WinterBear
    3. LNLeather


      Thank you all for your answers and for the link WiterBear. I had asked the person on ebay what it was and this is what he had said "The item is not real Genuine leather, the PU leather mean general leather"

    4. Sylvia


      I thought PU was an abbreviation for "Pull Up" leather.

  19. OMG - it's Feb already and I'm making things for Valentines day! Where does the time go and Why does it go so darn fast...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. LNLeather


      Aaaaargh... you must have checked out my profile? 63 this year! Dang-it ~ wish that was 36, I'd have so much more time for leather work...

    3. hobbihorse


      ...let's just go with "we're wiser" now! Lol

    4. LNLeather


      Thank Goodness there is that... :)

  20. I was given a checkbook “Kit” to make and they had folded the leather in half the wrong way – so when I added the tooling and finally figured out the lining ….. it was all wrong! Wouldn’t you think the leather would be folded in half →the way it would be when used?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. LNLeather


      Thanks, I think I learned my lesson - sooo many lessons to learn, tho I'm lovin it. BTW - I saved the check book by cutting the large liner in half and using that to hold the checks and register.

    3. Gawdzilla


      Got burned that way back in 1975.


    4. LNLeather


      Wow, you have been working leather for a looong time. Now I am guessin that it has probably happened a lot of folks… What did you do with the piece? Did you figure a way to use it, or did you toss it out?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. LNLeather


      I'm so happy I could be of help!

    3. TapTapTap


      When I found Leatherworker.net I was searching for exactly what you have posted. Thank you very much for the link. Guess what i am building right now.

    4. LNLeather


      I love it when things work out like that. Now let me guess……… :)

  21. It just dose not look good, if your website has spelling errors, especially if you are advertising to heelp others with --->their website.......

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. LNLeather


      Heheheh - You Got It!

    3. WinterBear


      Hard to take them seriously when that happens.

    4. Sylvia


      Yep. I often send "typo alerts" to sites.

      to, two, and too are one of the most often grammar failures. Accept and except is another. then there is the discrepancy between the American spellings and Queen's English

      spellings. (realize/realise, color/colour)

      And Slang is getting to be a huge problem.

  22. It was a good day - I got a raise!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bob Blea

      Bob Blea

      That does sound good, congratulations!

    3. Sylvia


      Congrats! That always makes one feel apreciated

    4. LNLeather


      Thank you CW, Bob, and Sylvia.. You are right about that. If feels Reeeeal Good!

  23. Amazon keeps shipping pkgs by FedEx Smartpost. While ordering “FedEx” requires my physical address – then the pkg sits in Seattle for 3 to 5 days

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. LNLeather


      back the pkg go’s to the Vashon Post Office and they either try to charge me (which I refuse to do) extra $ to deliver the package to my PO Box (which is in the same building) that was supposed to have Free Shipping, or they return the package due to an incorrect address. I used to be able to receive packages in 2 or 3 days from Amazon and now it takes 2 – 3 weeks and a lot of wasted handling. My packages ride the Ferry more than I do.

    3. Sylvia


      File complaint(s) with Federal Express and Amazon and the postal service. Clearly there is a break down with the agreement between these 3. If they get enough complaints... maybe it will get fixed.

    4. LNLeather


      I have explained All this to Amazon - Every time it happens. The Post office here is Fed Up with Fed ex... Fedex is saving way too much $$ to listen to me... :)

  24. Guess I need to remember - If you have food in your refrigerator, clothes on your back, a roof over your head and a place to sleep, you are richer than 75 percent of the world.

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