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About hmuhlenthaler

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    Anyone who could custom create a leather accordian file clutch
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    Referred by another leathermaker
  1. I am looking for someone who can make a custom leather accordian file folder. I need someone to be able to take the accordian office file folder (I'm tryng to attach picture but I don't know if it's attaching correctly) and I have more pictures to send) and recreate it out of leather in the same color, but with a purple velvet interior. Please reply back if you think this is something you could do, and what price you think it would be. Please let me know if you think you can do this and we can talk further. Thank you!! Heather M.
  2. Hi! I am looking for someone who could custom create a leather accordian file clutch. This would be an exact replica of an accordian file you would find in an office supply section of the store (I have pictures of exactly what we are trying to recreate out of leather) with a purple velvet lining. Do you think you would be able to create something like that? I can send pics if you have an em...

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