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Posts posted by silkfatblues

  1. If I may... I do beleive it is a laser printer... a woman that does some of mine laser engraving had it in her workshop and I am 100% positive that is it... We tried some stuff with that and the results are as seen on these pictures... the only misadvantage of that kind of printer is that it does not print white colour, just like every ordinary printer actualy, so you need to print on leather that is light coloured as this ones are... but I have heard that printer with white dye is also available... btw. these printers can print on anything, wood, metal, leather and more... we also made a print on a plexy for my shop but we didn't put no protection so it soon was damaged by scratches and so... I can check what that laser printer brand is...

    best regards,


  2. Yep thought so but thought I was the only one that tooled leather that way. I tried to think of any other way a guy could get that look but should have known. It seems some think it's the wrong way to tool. In my mind it is the right way as it doesn't weaken the leather. How the right way can be the method the weakens (cut with swivel knife) the leather just seems odd to me. I wouldn't mind sharing ideas as your the only other person I know that tools the way I do. Guess that is what happens when your born left handed and they switch you over to right, I end up doing most everything in life a different way,lol.

    Love the seats and very nice work to get the foam to shape that nice.

    I agree!! cutting the face of the leather feels so wrong to me sometimes... But this two seats that I have tooled that way are made by my ignorance and improvisation. I have never seen a single video untill few days ago when I finished this spartan seat and I wanted to learn some tricks... I wasn't much surprised by videos but I found few details of how to make it easyer to myself and realised I need to get those dyes, those thick and full color dyes...

    I will continue to use a bone for tooling, but if some details need cutting I have a swivel knife to... :)

    thanx for kind words,

    Best regards,


  3. 402124_10150565933414443_799069442_8658492_724508137_n.jpg

    this started with a sketch...


    started tooling the leather peice and somewhere along the line I searched the tube to find some usefull videos for tooling leather...

    soon find out that I was a total ignorant in this area... but it was too late...


    I do like what I did but after looking at some videos I realised it could be done more simple and less trouble...

    and the biggest problem was dying...


    my dyes are not water based so they stink like hell and give headache... that is not the only problem... this type of dyes are not ment for details, they tend to spill over edges... (it is more fluid and thin)



    in the end I am satisfied and the customer is too.. actualy he is ecstatic and I am too :)

    I'll be buying some new tools and dyes, now I know what to look for...



  4. Beautiful seat!

    quick question. the bottom piece of leather(the red piece), is it the same size as the top(black)? or did you cut out all the inserts, then stitch them on?


    on the third picture you can see the bottom peice of leather... that is how Iglued it, then came the stitches and I cut around the stitches about 1 cm all around...

    so, red piece is still in one piece :)) but cut so it is easyer to shape the seat...



  5. my experiences tell me that whenever I finish a holster and dry it - it shrinks a little bit...

    so before selling it I also doublecheck and insert the gun with a peice of leather along the barrel, just to stretch the holster a bit more...

    when i remove the gun and leather I try putting just a gun and see how it draws... if I'm not happy i repeat but with a thicker leather peice...

    I also use the imbus screws and rubber spacers for additional adjusting...

    my gun models are mostly blue guns and aluminum casts... these aluminum peices are smaller than the original for about 1 mm on each sides...

    I supose it is so 'cause aluminum also shrinks a bit when cooled down... ? my guess...

    but the blue guns are realy close enough as the original...

    and I could not tell the difference 'cause even when I make holsters and use real gun it also needs represing after drying and lacquering...



  6. Hey man, thanks a lot! :-) No problem sharing my photos, but it always cool to mention my blog: http://276ccm.blogspot.com/ or my Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/276ccm if you do.. or at least who took them :-)

    If you don´t mind, could you send me a PM with the link to the music forum? Just curious and would love to see :-)

    Thanks again mate! :-)


    no problem!! ofcourse I have mentioned whos work is that... I just moved it to Motorhead topic and added jour blog and facebook... PM coming



  7. not sure realy... most of my stuff is pure improvisation, I never read a single leathercraft book so it is all on first strike and very impulsive in my head :brainbleach: :D



    this one was laser engraved... I am very lucky to meet people with such bikes... you just cant go vrong with this...

    ok, maybe someone can...

    this is a repair that I did




    and after:



    I wasnt to happy with result cause the engraved (the original) leather was to hard and thick... that is why the guy that made it couldnt shape it right...

    the owner was unhappy couse the seat was hard and it gave him but pain i guess... for me it was as much work as making a new seat but the owner wanted this engraved leather peice to remain as it was... in the end he was very pleased and ordered a side bag also... :)



  8. Fantastic work! Great photos too by the way. Welcome to the forum!



    thanx Andy!!!

    great place youve got here, a lot to learn and share..

    most of the photos are taken with mobile phone and oly e-520...

    but last two weeks I'm on canon 5d m2... awesome... :showoff:

  9. tnx mcJeep!!

    the roundness is a result of puting some rubbery spunge (very hard) under leather (between the leather and anvil)... that gives a slight roundness and 3d...

    after stamping that peice of spunge was remuved... in fact I used it only under the leathers and the skellet... the seat is now about a year old, I saw it today and it kept the shape very well...



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