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About Prince

  • Birthday 11/09/1984

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  • Location
    Central Texas

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Armor & Ren Fest

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  1. It appears this forum category is more for goods and services but perhaps it is fitting enough. Looking for full time help to assist in creations of unique leather and armor works as well as a hand in business matters. Ideally I am looking for someone experienced with leatherwork and I can afford full time wages for adequate work. However, I am also willing to entertain an old fashioned apprenticeship for those not yet of a high skill but are eager to learn with growing wages in relation to increased productivity. In either scenario, extra wages may also be earned from piece work and assuming additional duties. I am able to offer room and board as part of the arrangement. The job description will have many aspects - everything from creating leather armor suits, to making buckles, to assisting with promotion, sales, and attending large events like ComiCon, DragonCon, The Texas Renaissance Festival and more in the future. However, let it be known I do not expect proficiency or activity in all areas - I will seek to play upon individual strengths and areas of interest. The fundamental spirit of the job is of fine craftsmanship and advancement of business ambitions in the way of Prince Armory which takes in custom works of all sorts, but usually in the way of armor and costumes, and Imperial Armories to vend at conventions and festivals which is focused more on higher volume high quality stock items in the fantasy genre, again often in the costume and armor type of product for now. www.PrinceArmory.com and www.ImperialArmories.com Ideally, you should be creative, passionate about quality and art, and have an interest in pursuing a career in the arts, crafts, business in general, or conventions or festival scenes. Please contact me directly at Samuel@PrinceArmory.com if you are interested. Tell me about yourself, your qualifications, where you are at skill-wise and what you can bring to the table, and why you would like to work with me. And please feel free to ask any questions. I’m currently in Dublin TX for the time being and as such need someone able to commute or relocate. Again, room and board is on the table for discussion for those needing to relocate.
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