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Posts posted by wnb

  1. Hi,

    I just purchased some Landis 3 and 16 Needles and Awls and I'll be looking to sell some. These are size 16. These are New Old Stock (NOS) Landis items. I was thinking of selling them in sets of 2 needles and 2 awls or 3 and 3.

    I haven't decided on pricing but I'm looking to help pay for the Frobana I just purchased! I'm not sure exact quantity I have because I haven't counted yet but I think its between 80 and 100 needles and (hopefully) the same quantity of Awls.

    I believe I also have 4 Landis #1 size 16 needles. Not 100% sure because paper sleeve doesn't list a model number on it but they are about 4" long. I'll post a picture later. I may keep these.

    So I was unsure whether to post this in NEW or USED because the needles / awls are NEW but I'm guessing more people would look in USED (because I look in USED more).


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