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About bucksnort

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    montague, ca
  • Interests
    traditional rawhide braiding

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    none of it is that special
  • Interested in learning about
    everything I don't know

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  1. I missed that at first, I think your formula for width is fine. The coverage is good, just an under 2 over 1 on one side & u/o 1 on the opposite side.
  2. Am I looking correctly at the pics of you 6 strand braid? It appears you did an under one over two braid which is a half round braid.
  3. Always good to learn something new, i tried both formulas & results are close to the same. Yours is less complicated. Have you considered keeping the same width & going to 8 strands?
  4. I’ve not heard that formula before, I’ll have to test it. I times the circumference by 1.5 & divide by the number of strings I plan to use.
  5. Personally I wouldn’t bevel first.
  6. Good video karlpv, thanks for sharing. Where are you located in N California?
  7. Hi Kiwibraider, core diameter times 1.5 divided by number of strings you wish to use is what I use. Your string thickness times four will tell you how much your braid will add to your core diameter to figure the size core you want. For example, I generally use 1/16 thick strings for hackamores, so my cores need to be 1/4 in. smaller than what I want for a finished hackamore. I use rawhide, so roo may vary, but kind of a rule of thumb. Hope this helps, you can make the metric conversions lol.
  8. I have made a few keepers, work on a mandrel in the shape you want the finished keeper to be, after it’s dried slide it off & dip in shellac. That’s worked well for me. For covering your browbands your basically talking a long knot. Any of the long knots in Grant’s book will do the trick. Also check out the nose button guide for something longer.
  9. I had the same thought as Brad. I would put a ring knot at each end & glue it in place, then work your finish knot over them. Just like a hackamore nose knot. You can find directions for a multi string nose knot in Grant’s book.
  10. Your knot looks good. To your question, if you even out & straighten you base knot at every pass it goes a long way to help with the twisting. So with your two bight start, even out your spacing & line up your v’s. Same with four bights ect. Even more important with long knots like nose knots. Hope this helps & keep up the good work.
  11. Hi Skip, have him give me a call (530)905-0158. Be happy to built him one or repair his. Buck
  12. There are different ways, all are right lol. I braid around a core the same as I do without, which is to push up with my thumb & forefinger of the hand holding the last cross & pull the next strand tight on the under side & lay it tight. So, Braid tight as I go & my pull is only tightening up a few crosses. Many braid looser & pull tight further up the braid. If you are on Facebook, Bill Black has a video showing this. It’s kind of what works best for you. Most tend to soap above their braid as they go so the strings slip. Hope that all makes sense. Buck.
  13. Also on something like that, I would probably bag the piece in plastic overnight to really allow the glue to soak in evenly througout.
  14. Sorry I didn’t get back sooner Wenny. Sounds like you got it figured out though. I’ve used the granulated hide glue, but seems like the titebond worked good.
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