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Blog Entries posted by Johanna

  1. Johanna
    Just testing out the new blogging system...Thanks everyone for their patience today. The board threw a few errors now and then when I tried not to break it. I don't see anything wrong- let me know if you do. You can start your own blog by clicking your name, top right, choose "my settings" and look for the blog tab. It's easy. You can always edit your blog as you like. You can link your blog to an external blog, if you want. More directions coming soon- still working on the clean-up. What do you think of the new features? Does LW rock or what?
  2. Johanna
    Kate and I figured out a plan, and we've been crossing things off our lists every day. So far, so good. Many folks have been pleased with the improvements we've made to the site and have written to tell me. It's nice to know that we are meeting the needs of the community. We try very hard to make things easy and fun, and not bother you folks too much with tech stuff. But now a chance has come along for you to attract shoppers.Yep, Kate built a Link Manager, which allows all registered members a basic link in the shopping center. We can inexpensively upgrade the ads to attract the attention of the people who use the forum to shop for a maker. We hope you will link back to us on your site, and take advantage of the search engine opportunities you can get from LW. If you haven't filled out your profile, and you don't have enough work, don't complain. If you want people to find you, then participate here. We'll help steer the customers to you.That's all I'm saying about the new link manager now- when it goes online we'll take the time to give all the details, and let you know how you can get on board the train. In the meantime, we hope you are enjoying the site's new features and use LW to its fullest potential. We're here for you, and if it brings some business your way, hey, we smile.:)Johanna
  3. Johanna
    We figured a way for you leatherworkers to get your site rankings up and draw in extra business. Glance up at your toolbar- see that button that says "Directory"? LW is proud to use its power to help our members get found by customers and make sales. This is going to a huge deal in the future, so get in there and create an account. You want business? We have a way for all the shoppers who come here to browse your sites and pick the right leatherworker for their job. Any registered member of LW can have a plain free ad, but if you want more of a stand-out presence, we can do that, too. And here is the best part- not only will your ad be seen by more people than any other place in print or online that you can advertise, it's CHEAP. We're talking waaaay less than it would cost to take out a classified ad in a newspaper or the yellow pages. The point is to have a comprehensive leatherworker directory that keeps you guys and gals busy at the bench and not thinking about day jobs. (yuck!) We hope you use this service and make some money off it- if you are a custom leatherworker or saddlemaker with a website, you want to be in the Directory. If you are a supplier or business that caters to leatherworkers- we are offering a regular text ad for the entire month of February for FREE, just so you can see how much your ad can impact your business. When you see the extra hits your site gets, and the phone starts ringing, we are confident you will want to stay with us and choose a plan that's right for you. You won't faint when you see the prices, either. With the high traffic and the low prices, you have to agree this is the best advertising deal to a TARGET market ever. We are more affordable than magazine ads, yellow page ads, radio advertising, newspaper advertising, PLUS our Directory will be seen by more leather folk than all that other advertising combined. The math speaks for itself.The top of this page has the links to compare different advertising campaigns and to sign up. It's easy and fast, and we want you to benefit from the Directory feature. Please ask Kate or me if you have questions or need assistance. We are happy to help you.
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