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Status Updates posted by Johanna

  1. You know how to make an old lady feel good! Thanks for the kind words. That's what keeps me going. ~J

  2. Going to sit in my favorite chair and read my Shop Talk! Call them for a free trial sub and mention us (207) 495-3600.

  3. Ha ha! There is no cure for the leather bug. Welcome to the site!

  4. Jerry Van Amburg had a hippo hide at the show. It wasn't anything like I expected, and now I wish I'd bought the couple of square feet he had left.

  5. headed home tomorrow... SD is really big. Have new respect for bikers who ride to Sturgis. The bugs are as big as birds.

    1. Reaper


      Just remember not to smile without a scarf or bandana covering your mouth!

  6. Sheridan Leather Outfitters is throwing a party tonight! Sheridan is soooo much fun!

  7. Hope to see you in Sheridan!

  8. My sister graduated from nursing school tonight!

    1. CarvedOn


      Congratulations and bless her for her career choice!

    2. CarvedOn


      Congratulations and bless her for her career choice!

  9. They are making us leatherworker.net nametags for Sheridan right now! I hope to meet as many of you as I can.

    1. rcsaddles


      Who is making them?

    2. Bob Blea

      Bob Blea

      I'll be there and I'll look for you.

  10. I can help you with advertising here. Is your business listed in the Directory?

  11. "LTHRLDY" new plates for my Mitzi!

  12. whoops, I screwed up. Please remind me if I ever inadvertently do that again. I get a lot of mail, and I'm sorry I accidentlally let yours slip through the cracks. No offense was intended at all. ~J

  13. It's too nice to be inside...but I have work to do. *sigh

    1. LilRay


      Crappy weather here, and no work. Double Whammy.

  14. “What's money? A man is a success if he gets up in the morning and goes to bed at night and in between does what he wants to do.”

    1. FatSmitty


      That's what my dad has always told me, I'm not to succesful yet!

  15. shakygreg- post your questions on the forum so we all can learn please.

  16. Please pray for Japan.

    1. Trox


      I will join you in praying for our Japanese brothers and sisters.

  17. Be patient with me, folks. I've got 250 messages to read and respond to. Thanks everyone for the encouragement! You folks are the best!

  18. LW is growing and we need help. Look in announcements. Maybe you can be part of the team?

  19. I lost a bunch of mail. Send me a reminder if you haven't heard from me please.

    1. Stewart


      I lost mail also . The I. R. S. reminded me!!!!

      My X wife forgot about me also untill the I.R.S. reminderer her. Mon toled the mthat i took the 401 express off a side rail and was headed due North. guess what? No 401. Ten minutes Late


  20. We are missing yesterday afternoon's and evening's posts. If you registered yesterday, you will need to do it again.

  21. Help yourself to the warm brownies by the coffee pot.

    1. Spinner


      pssst...you have a message ^

  22. It's 22 above in Ohio! Feels like a heat wave!

  23. Hope all is well Doc, miss you!

  24. Please look around and make sure your neighbors are warm and not hungry during this storm. We'll get through it, but we all need to look out for each other.

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