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Status Updates posted by Johanna

  1. LW folks are like family. God bless you all.

  2. gum tragacanth can be found at any leather supply store and is used for slicking edges, like JW said.

  3. Awwww shucks... Thank you from all of us.

  4. Hey Spinner- where are your back ups?

  5. Sssshhhh! My kids are still asleep!

  6. The only cure for winter is Georgia.

  7. Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.

  8. Got the new "Shop Talk!" today

  9. Happy birthday, Leatheroo!

  10. My mom discovered that we have a branch of the family in Australia!

  11. Everything seems to be running fine on our end. Anyone else having problems?

  12. It's starting to feel like Christmas here.

  13. We are missing yesterday afternoon's and evening's posts. If you registered yesterday, you will need to do it again.

  14. Santa brought me a tarantula!

  15. Wade just plowed and shoveled, but the snow is still coming down as hard as it did when it started at 8 am.

  16. If you have to pick your battles, a status on a leatherworking board is a tater tot in the great potato sack of life.

  17. In addition to the ice storm this morning, we had a visit from a raccoon.

  18. Who is going to Wickenburg for the trade show?

  19. It's 14 degrees and raining. The streets look like glass.

  20. Please look around and make sure your neighbors are warm and not hungry during this storm. We'll get through it, but we all need to look out for each other.

  21. LW is growing and we need help. Look in announcements. Maybe you can be part of the team?

  22. Be patient with me, folks. I've got 250 messages to read and respond to. Thanks everyone for the encouragement! You folks are the best!

  23. shakygreg- post your questions on the forum so we all can learn please.

  24. "LTHRLDY" new plates for my Mitzi!

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