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Status Replies posted by Johanna

  1. Hey Johanna, I thought you told me you were 29! Happy B-Day!! Steve

  2. Hey Johanna, I thought you told me you were 29! Happy B-Day!! Steve

  3. Off to Australia

  4. waiting the delivery of my new Artisan

  5. tryin to pm Big Pappa Leather but his inbox is full or something

  6. tryin to pm Big Pappa Leather but his inbox is full or something

  7. I'm sick to my stomach, husband got his first heart attack and come to find...He's also up for a tripple bypass. I'm just thankful we live close to the best hospital in the country for these operations.

  8. Is there a photo gallery on here with pictures of items in the Leather Debut at Sheridan?

  9. Who won the Al Stolhman award at Sheridan?

  10. Having a great time in Sheridan!

  11. scripture? really?

  12. just saying thanks for keeping the creepys away....

  13. where are the announcements?

  14. siegel of california closed

  15. if you visit leatherworker.net 2 or 3 times a day, does that mean you're addicted??

  16. OK - The Rams Curl leather stamp can by bought from Robert Beard, but he is not answering emails... I am still in needon one if anyone has an extra....

  17. If your addicted to LW.net does that make you a LeatherLURKER??

  18. When we went online in 2006, I thought maybe 300-400 people would use the site. About 3000 people visit here every day.

  19. hopes she has some time to do some coasters for the challenge.

  20. What is the stuff Snow that you all are talking about?

  21. My Kids bought me a Kindle. woo hoo

  22. Does anyone know what happened to the joke thread ?

  23. How do I make my pics not show in the gallery?

  24. i love this website-so helpful!

  25. Was anybody else having problems with the site today? I kept getting an error message.

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