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Posts posted by Johanna

  1. I hid the thread while it was under review. No one "buys" favoritism in the forum, but we also don't let personal issues, or in this case legal ones, take over a conversation and detract from a thread. Carry on, but skip the speculation. The parties involved will work this out in private, not on the forum. I merged both threads for the sake of clarity.Thank you for your understanding.


  2. http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?app=gallery&album=2243

    The show is fantastic- plenty of friends, vendors, instructors and leather and tools to drool over.

    If you want more or better pics let me know and I'll try to get them tomorrow. I tried to get the artist cards in each shot- sorry for the ones I missed. I'll give a better report tomorrow, but I'm still on Eastern Time.



  3. i've been making wallets for a while now and while i was able to get some decent leather, i think it is chrome tanned and is difficult to get good edges on it. i read in some threads where some folks recommended DuraEdge and others where folks recommended Edge Kote. You can't burnish chrome tanned leather. If you can't tell the difference, wet it. If the leather absorbs water, it is veg tanned.

    --- are these the same thing? They are similar and intended for veg tanned leather

    --- if not, does anyone have pics showing what the finished edges of each look like?

    --- does one work better than the other?

    this would be for chrome tanned leather and i guess any other leather other than veg tan which brings me to my next question.......

    i've also read many threads discussing the differences between various leather types. i have quite a bit of veg tan right now that is decent quality, but i've also come across some other types that are quite thin and flimsy...i bought them to use mainly for lining wallets and such. i don't think it would work well to make wallets though, right? (i mean the thin leather)

    --- can someone tell me specifically what "case leather" is? If you mean "leather to make cases", well, it could mean anything. The term is usually used for moistened leather that you intend to carve or stamp.

    --- how about "dyed through shoulder"? Means it was dyed all the way through and if you cut it, the center will be colored like the outside.

    --- are these both types of veg tanned leather Yes or something else? where is the best place to get these leathers? Our advertisers

    --- do the edges burnish nicely or do you have to apply some other substance to them to get the edges nice and shiny? You can burnish veg tan with water if you want.

    --- if so, what is the best coating to use to do this and how would the burnishing process differ if using one of these substances? Don't slop the edging on the front of the work.

    Consider buying interiors (like Chaylor Fenelli) and using them as templates for your own interiors.
    Please stop the antagonistic behavior on the board. People are trying to help answer your questions. Honey gets more flies than vinegar. ~Johanna
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