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Everything posted by broncobuster

  1. The small ones are Aldi's quarter key rings to hold your cart quarter. The bigger ones are for chapstick/lighter holders have you quarter or chapstick or lighter handy. Lots of colors eh for leather n faux leather.
  2. I'm glad to be back. They are dovewing spur straps lol not keyrings lol I had that on my mind n posted something else lol
  3. I haven't been around in a while had a couple heart attacks and an infection n kind of stepped back from Leatherworks a bit. But just starting back into it again. Here's a project.
  4. yup same question lol I'm having withdrawls
  5. another thing that can help is put a little 3 in 1 oil on the teeth to help it slide better. it don't matter how you build anything with a zipper it will have to be taken apart.
  6. use a sewing awl to make holes(like an ice pick) or a hand stitcher.
  7. http://www.texhas.com/texhas__fraternal_conchos heres a place also
  8. when ya do only one or two a year ya don't remember from one to another lol.
  9. heres a holster I did for an order I don't do to many holsters. but customer likes it that's all that counts.
  10. heres a holster I did for an order I don't do to many holsters. but customer likes it that's all that counts.
  11. heres a holster I did for an order I don't do to many holsters. but customer likes it that's all that counts.
  12. broncobuster


    heres some ornaments I did for an exchange been a while since ive done much tooling. hopefully everyone likes them.
  13. it sure is just like all the other ones to--basketweave, geometrics etc lol practice practice if ya look close you can see my mess up lol.
  14. tandy. I have like 3 sizes this is smallest one. thanks everyone
  15. I haven't done much stuff for a while so here is a holster I just did for someone. came out ok
  16. https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=spat+pattern&qpvt=spat+pattern&qpvt=spat+pattern&qpvt=spat+pattern&FORM=IGRE
  17. welcome to leatherworker feel free to post pictures!! we all like pics n progress!
  18. this place has a couple templates but you can design your own they will make a template for you. http://www.ebay.com/itm/SPUR-STRAP-TEMPLATE-SET-FOR-LEATHER-CRAFTERS-RODEO-SPURS-OR-BIKER-RSSTS-/141900212383
  19. im having withdrawls lol

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. leatherisfun


      Check your email only.

    3. Halitech


      blame it on kiwi, I did lol

    4. OffKilterLeather


      Kiwi!! Did you spill beer on the chatroom again??

  20. I cant get the pdf to download for some reason. keep asking me to sign in and i am in.
  21. I havent posted for a while but havent done much either lately. heres some high point awards i did for my fun shows i run. thanks for looking
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