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Status Replies posted by Yetibelle

  1. Hi Uwe - you don't happen to have a Union Special 6600-LZ guide/parts/threading PDF by chance?  I have not been able to locate that particular model.  Or any other similar Union Special instructions.  Thanks

    1. Yetibelle


      Haha -  I hose it down to get the 50 years of grime off. I use to soak them in vinegar, now I just degrease them and wash them with Dawn dish soap.  Then buff out each part at a time.  Then oil it all back up again.   See the 7-31.  

      If you have anything similar, just looking for direction on the bottom threading.   I think I can figure out the top thread.  I suppose there are only so many ways to do it.  Thanks 


    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  2. Hi Uwe - you don't happen to have a Union Special 6600-LZ guide/parts/threading PDF by chance?  I have not been able to locate that particular model.  Or any other similar Union Special instructions.  Thanks

    1. Yetibelle


      Sure it's a 2 thread model from what I can tell. 



    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

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