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Everything posted by judgebc

  1. After Bob called me. Icalled 5 minutes later around 1 in the afternoon. No luck. Merry Christmas Bob, called you 10 times today. Your mailbox is full.
  2. I called him 10 times today and will continue to call him untill he answers. I am thinking about calling the Farmington police. Surely someone must communicate with him. Thanks for the reply.
  3. Not sure why Bob Beard never answers his phone. His mailbox has been full for years. His email listed on Pro Tools does not work! He called me about my order, so I have his number. I know he is still alive because he called me. Help..........
  4. Thanks for your reply. I just saw a tab that said Tag, I do not have any idea what it means? I am surprised that the moderators did not reply to my questions. Gallery space? I do not know how to use gallery space, I guess, I am not computer literate. Blogs, I will have to look this up? Ambassador what are the requirements? Once again, Thank You.
  5. Oldnslow,  I live in Gilroy California.  I owned California Billiard Club in Mountain View and Fremont Ca but no longer.  I never played Frank the Barber.  He is still playing good.  He is playing in Super Senior One Pocket in Texas.  Why don't you get a Padgett cue, he should give you a good price.  Danny Stout Asheboro North Carolina made me a nice jump break cue, about 20 years ago.

    Take Care



      I understand Tim no longer makes any cues, I speak to Frank every now and then and we are friends on Facebook,  I follow what is going on with him, he and John Henderson are playing in the super seniors tour, in fact John won the last outing in Texas.  There was a big outcry about letting the seniors play with the super seniors but then you would have Efren, and some of his homies wanting to pay in it and that would knock out Frank, John and some other players. 

  6. Okay, I see a Donation tab. So what do you get for a donation? Why are some members names in Red or Blue? What is a Tag? Thank You
  7. Martyn, Yes sharpening is a "ART". I sharpened my Tandy ergonomic swivel knife on a 3x10 DMT Diasharp extra fine, then 3x8 Spyderco UF306 ceramic. I used a Big Red Sharpening fixture by Chuck Smith to keep the angle consistent. I could have used my Tormek, maybe I will try using it on my Robert Beard swivel knifes when they come in a year.
  8. judgebc

    2nd Pool Cue Case

    Oldnslow, No, I don't have a Tim Padgett cue. Hall of fame Cuemaker Bert Schrager first trained Tim Padgett as well as me. i took Bert out of a Hospice when he was really sick, I knew he still had life. Pat took care of him at home for another four years. Doug kept making cues and i would drive down on weekends to help, and Bert would supervise us. I have the last Schrager cue ever made. I miss Bert and Pat......
  9. judgebc

    2nd Pool Cue Case

    Ebbtide, I have several 4x8 Jack Justis cases. I do not like pouches as it takes the symmetry and beauty away from the leather. I have a attaché case that carry all the necessary junk……..grin... I only use one case. It contains a Joss West (Ivory Joint) with 3 shafts, Steve Lomax Jump cue 1 shaft. Mike Gulassy Break Cue 1 shaft, 1 Ray Shuler Billiard Cue with 2 shafts. In the car is my Snooker Cue. All cues made by hall of Fame Cuemakers. I started playing in Bars when I was 7. Keep up the GOOD work.
  10. judgebc

    2nd Pool Cue Case

    Very Nice Case. Here is a tip if your going to sell these. Most pool players buy a cue with two shafts.
  11. I have been stropping my swivel knife with Tandy's White Rouge every day for two months. Today,I used my Formax Micro-fine Green Rouge. Wow the swivel knife slid like butter over the leather.
  12. Okay, so I have rolled the burr? Does this mean it is not sharp and won't cut? Can, I feel or see it? What power of loupe do I need to see it, any recommendations? Do, I have to go to a 1200 grit stone, and re-sharpen it? I have a diasharp dmt extra fine, which I believe is 1200 grit/mesh/9 micron, is this what I use? Thanks?
  13. Art, I called Springfield Leather the lady there told me she never heard of it, Horse Butt. I asked her to check, she did so reluctantly. She said they do not carry it or maybe they do not sell it anymore. Then she said maybe there out of it. Is their another supplier.? Thanks
  14. Tugadude, Thank You very much. I can now order some tools, the knife looks great. electrathon, ouch....l am in big trouble. I do not know his prices but, One grand is not enough.
  15. I see so many great comments on Mr. Beards tools. I have Ordered two of his Swivel Knives, one year wait. I have no idea what it will look like. Can someone post pics of his swivel knife. What other tools does he make? Looks like his website is not being updated, would love to see a catalog.
  16. Art, Good Afternoon. What is hard jacked horse hide? What is difference between Horse hide and Conveyor Belting? What color is the Conveyor Belting? I am going to call Bob Beard tomorrow and have him send me some Conveyer belting? Thank You and Happy Easter.
  17. I won’t buy red, white, yellow or blue rouge, how can you judge it’s content on color. Everyone makes white, red yellow, blue, etc. I will buy Formax Micro Fine-Green becausr they tell me the grit size. Art thanks for the recommendation. Yeah they could be lying but at least they put their name on it. One’s mans Treasure is another Man’s Junk. Yes, I once was a Rocket Scientist. Martyn, rouge is cheap, I saw a Wayne Jeuschke Stamp I like, he wants $160. Robert Beard wants you to wait a year, before delivery. At least with Mr. Beard I have enough time to sell my blood every month. Hope his prices don’t go up, lol? Yeah, I’m enjoying this new hobby, but man it is sure expensive. Thanks, Art and Martyn, and everyone else on this forum for your valuable information.
  18. Dadam, There are infinite types of pockets. What type of table is it? For instance, I have a 4 1/2 x 9 foot, 1923 Monarch Table made by Brunswick Balke Collender. It has a ball return, so the pockets are open at the bottom. If you have a old worn out pocket, you should be able to reverse engineer it. In the USA, the top two top table mechanics are Ernesto Dominguez and RealKingCobra, Hope this is allowed, They Post on AZ Billiards Forum and should be able to help. Hope this helps, Take Care, Remember you got 3 million to gamble with anyone in the world, except for a Filipino.. ....GRIN
  19. I have a old Sargent Rotary punch. I need to replace one of the punches. The thread size is 5/16-24 which is Fine, I tried Tandy and they are 5/16-18 Coarse but won't fit. Does anyone know the thread size of Osborne Rotary punch? Also my Copper anvil needs to e replaced? Sorry, didn't mean to hijack this thread.
  20. Art, I have Flexcut Gold for stropping my wood carving tools, do you know what grit size it might be? Found Hand American 10 carat 0.25 and 0.5 micron diamond spray, heavy concentration liquid. It was in my Wood Carving tool box, it is in liquid form. I also have Herb's Yellowstone but have not used it yet. I want to get some Formax Green Micro-Fine 0.5 micron. My Big Red Swivel Knife sharpener just came in. Can't wait to start testing, these different polishes.
  21. My, instructor at Pajaro Elementary School played Saxophone for Glenn Miller, so I listened to a lot of this music. My favorite song is "In The Mood". Thanks, Art
  22. judgebc

    Knife Shop

    Art, I have been sharpening my Tandy swivel knife blade and can’t seem to hold a steady angle. My blade is polished but my sharpening is not in one plane. Tandy has a jig, but I don’t see how you can set it at a pre-determined angle? How do you sharpen a Swivel Knife? Thanks
  23. Tinker, Thanks for the great music.
  24. Haric, Go on the internet and see all the various Youtube videos on Leather, Carving, Sharpening, There is a wealth of information, I spent months on the internet. Word on the street is buy the best tool you can afford. Dwight is right. I started taking classes at Tandy Leather every Saturday. They have different classes every week. They furnish everything tools and leather for the item you make. You can then see which tools you will need as you make the item. Leather working is so much fun, yikes. Wallets and Knife sheaths coming up next. There are some great people here on the Forum with a wealth of information. You can get deals on tools here in this forum. Don’t hesitate as the quality tools go fast. I needed to know what a Cobbler hammer was, I called Jeremiah Watt, a great man. He explained the uses of the hammer and wow is it beautiful. Called Wayne Jueschke for a Maul and Basket Weaving stamps, he was very helpful and said get the maul and I will put a list of stamps I make. Call me when you get the list and I will explain the various stamps, maul is on the way. I talked to Bob Beard yesterday, he told me all about swivel knifes. He said the large straight blade will do everything the small blades will do and more. I ordered two Swivel knives with large and small blades. Then he said Modelers is what I need next and he explained why they were so useful. My knives won’t be here for a year. I could not wait so I called Louis Henley and he said the quality of the swivel blade is so important. Knife will be here in 3 weeks, ouch. Going to call Leather Wranglers today for a swivel knife, I heard they are in stock, 3 day wait by mail.
  25. It is time for me to start using, rivets, grommets, snaps, eyelets, etc. I normally make knife sheaths. I have seen so many leather tutorials where they say, I am using cheap rivets, etc. Life is to short, I don't need to struggle with poor hardware. Who makes good quality hardware for these
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