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Status Updates posted by bentley

  1. Been two years my dear friend, still in my thoughts and you still inspire me to be a better husband, father, grandfather and craftsman. Got a new art project to light and sure would love to discuss with you!

    God Bless, keep those stars shining bright!

  2. I have not been to Tandy in sooooo long, keep getting trapped by work on Wednesdays and the weekends are so beautiful lately I can't resist going outside to do something.

    Try again next Wednesday!

  3. Are you still packing or did you move on down the road?

  4. Bevel, background last, but that is just me.

  5. Christmas orders!!!!! 26 days until the deadlines.

  6. Congrats on your store. I see you changed for your location. That should be a little cooler! Good Luck!!!!!

  7. Don't let your fear of failure keep you from trying, take hold of life and enjoy it. I know this will be a challenge for a long time but it is worth it.

  8. Finally cooling down in AZ, got off my lazy but and cleaned the work bench off in the garage, started some new projects!

  9. Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  10. Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

  11. Hope your family has a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  12. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  13. Never thought about warming the granite slab to tool on, maybe AZ pounders should put it in the refrigerator in the summer. Thanks for the idea.

  14. Orders are coming in faster than I expected, I would celebrate but too busy now!

  15. Rest in peace my dear friend. YOu will will be missed by many!

  16. RIP, still thinking of you one year later.

  17. See you at Tandy Wednesday, 1-27-10?

  18. Show us some of that work. Catch you next time, Mark

  19. Sorry I missed you, had an unexpected trip to Tucson for work. Darn day job get in the way of my fun again.

  20. Supposed to be over 110 degrees all week, October can't come soon enough.

    1. groovytech


      Looking at two hurricanes,1 headed North along the east coast, the other is still enjoying the warm fuel on it's way.bently, come to Fla. It's

    2. groovytech


      a whole different 100+ temps. It only means we swim TO the pool. 100% humidity Before you get near water

  21. Talked to Heather Wednesday and she said your new job is doing very well, CONGRATULATIONS!!! I am very happy for you.

  22. Thanks for the support and congrats on your quitting. I am glad to see you decided at a much younger age than me.

  23. want to confirm that the Southwest Leather Workers trade show in Prescott AZ is still happening Feb 27, 28 & March 1st.

    1. bruce johnson

      bruce johnson

      that is the trade show dates, some classes start a few days before

    2. bentley
  24. Welcome and have fun wandering and reading. I think your work is very good and yet you are only a begineer?!?

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