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About ajanderson

  • Rank
    New Member

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
  • Interested in learning about
    patterns and makeing stuff from scratch
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
  1. Thank you. And if you can please do post the pics of that, id like to see if you dont mine.
  2. I need some help. A friend of mine has a black berry phone and wants a case for it. Problem is that the prepunched cases wount fit his phone. I need a patern or a way to make one that will fit this phone. Many thanks.
  3. Hey if anyone could send me a quiver pattern that would be great! Many thanks. Just PM it too me if yuo can please.
  4. VERY nice. Im new to leather work still so I understnad about learning as you go. This is very nice though.
  5. Very impressive! kudos to you. Would you be able to get me a pattern so i could make one like it?
  6. GREAT job. im fairly new to leather work. Been doing it for about a year now. I love that you did all the stitching by hand, I do that and it is hard, but so worth it. I've been wanting to make a messanger bag ever seince I started with leather work and im courious if you could send my a patter so that i could make my own. If you could just send me a message with it that would be great.
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