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Everything posted by jadub

  1. Unfortunately I have no idea how I would ship this so I’m saying local pick up only.
  2. More photos available upon request.
  3. Great Pfaff for heavy sewing of canvas and light leather. It’s in very good condition. Comes set up with a servo motor and reducer pulley which allows for excellent control at slow speeds. The original clutch motor is included for high speed applications. I made a 2” thick work table out of plywood for it that will provide years of unbending, non warping service. The classic original lamp is included. I’ll leave it set up for testing by the user. I spent a year with the help of the kind folks on this forum getting this set up just right. Now I want a post bed to take my work to the next level. Some needles included but not the thread or other sewing supplies seen in pics.
  4. That would be great. I’d really like to see it in action.
  5. Seriously, I alternate between flabbergasted and mad. Repetitiveness makes perfect, and boredom. I do appreciate their skill though. I’d love to see them work for a day.
  6. that’s what I had pictured initially but couldn’t find anything like it. I can’t find the Cowboy mentioned above but there is a Techsew like it.
  7. That’s a nice looking one. I’ll look into it. Maybe put it on my wish list. Thank you all for responding.
  8. I can’t picture how to sew a long seam down each side of the bag on either of my machines. Here are a couple of other pics. I’m not sure if this clarifies it though.
  9. All the bags I see now, I never looked until I got into leather, have overlap seams. I have a cylinder arm and flat bed but could never make an overlap seam down the side of a tote with those. Maybe a shoe repair machine or post bed? I look at the stitch work on commercial/fashion bags and am stunned by the quality. That’s completely aside from the fact that I can’t physically do an overlap down the side of my bags.
  10. Hi, does anyone know what type of machine the fashion industry uses to get their beautiful overlap seams?
  11. I decided against going all in on an Adler or juki and went with a Techsew 4800. It arrived without issue and I have been using it for a while. I don’t sew too much because I’m really slow at everything but it seems to be working fine. There are some issues I think but will wait to do a more complete review until I’m certain they aren’t user error. for now I’ll say I’m not overly impressed with fit and finish but maybe Pfaff and juki are similar. I haven’t seen new ones. Functionally, it seems good. Again my level of experience doesn’t allow me to comment too much on quality here. I really wish I had access to a good dealer who could demonstrate machines before purchasing. Sorry I can’t provide more info to those in the market for a machine but hopefully I’ll be able to be more confident in my assessments in the future.
  12. Hi, I’m interested. Can you PM me? Thank you. James
  13. I just found an old thread started by Uwe extolling the Juki LS-2342. Looks like an amazing machine and the H series would handle #69-#266 thread according to the brochure Uwe posted. There don't seem to be any available in the US based on a quick internet search however. I do have a Juki dealer nearby that I like. Unfortunately he's retiring so I would have to strike fast and hope for the best. They seemed to cost about $5500 back in 2018. I imagine it's more than that now. If it's competitive with the Adler with the Weaver business discount it seems like a good option.
  14. Hello, I'm in the market for a new cylinder arm sewing machine. This may be a silly question but I have a chance to buy a nice sewing machine to make the ubiquitous leather bag. I'd like it to be able to handle size 92-277 thread. I don't really use lighter than 92 and have never used 277 but I'd like the option if I make some small luggage as I'm hoping to. I'm thinking the Adler 869. I know it can't handle 277 according to Weave but it seem to be coming closest to meeting my needs. Unfortunately I am put off by the way I perceive German manufactures do business here in the states. My perception is that they charge a lot for their product, which is reasonable given the quality, and make parts difficult and expensive to come by post-purchase. My impression of the Japanese business model on the other hand is that they make their products state of the art and provide a good post-purchase experience. I hope this isn't offensive to anyone. I'm basing this mostly on my perception of the car industry, Mercedes, Audi, BMW vs Lexus, Infinity, Toyota etc. but I also have a Pfaff and find parts for that difficult to come by. I think I've read that parts for a Juki are easier. I'm thinking about these 2 brands because I'm hoping there is a difference in stitch quality and user experience that makes the extra money worth it. Otherwise I'll get a Techsew 4800 pro and save money and get some bells and whistles.
  15. Hi MountainMakinMomma, I'm thinking about getting this machine and thought I would check and see how you're doing with it. Are things progressing nicely? Can I ask where you ordered yours from? Thank you. I hope all is going well! DasMike, I just noticed you have a pretty new one as well. How is it working out for you?
  16. Hi, Weavers 8 ton manual clicker has a rather hefty (to me) price tag so I thought I would ask if anyone has had experience with it before I pony up. I would also be grateful if anyone has a lead on a used one in the Maine, Mass, New Hampshire area. Thank you!
  17. I looked into the link you sent. I missed the shop link. I’ll dig around some more for it. Yesterday I realized Bob at Toledo sells thread though and I like to support him. He’s nicer than most of the reps I have in my area and I like to supposed nice business people. Thank you for the info though.
  18. I got some AandE from Thread Exchange. Good stuff so far. Thank you. And thank you for your help. You turned a waste of a week trying to make my machine work properly into a successful week during which I made my machine work properly.
  19. Thank you for the input. Got my new needles this morning and tensioned my machine accordingly and it’s much better. I also finally realized I was using junk thread I had accidentally bought. Compared to the thread brands sold by Thread Exchange, Amman, A and E and Filtec, there is a clear visual and tactile difference. Filtec is even a little less stiff than the other two. I know this is a frequent question but since the thread was a big part of my problem. Does anyone have a favorite brand of bonded nylon they want to mention here? Thanks again!
  20. Wow, thank you guys! I’ll give that a try. I would be so happy if this worked out. I already ordered 140/22 needles. Can’t wait to give them a go.
  21. Thank you for the response kgg. I’ve been using The Thread Exchange for needle and thread sizing. Here they show 138 working with needles from 125/20-140/22 unless I’m reading it wrong. It wouldn’t be the first time. I’ve actually taken the machine to 3 technicians for service and they say my setup is okay. Of course each time the machine only works for a short time after they’ve worked on it before I have trouble again.
  22. I have switched the bobbin thread direction. Yesterday it came to me in a flash that maybe I had it in wrong. No luck. Still wonky. The needle is a 130/21 with 138 thread. I believe it may be pushing it but within spec. The leather thickness varies as I sew the wallet depending on how many layers are being sewn. Not more than1/4” at the most. Thank you for the thoughts. I really appreciate it. Just so you know, I’ve also tried different thread, a different needle, rethread the machine, new thread in bobbin and maybe a couple of other things. Today I had it working on several lines of test stitching but I sewed a wallet and the bobbin side was wonky again.
  23. Hi, I have a Pfaff 1245 with what appears to be tension issues. The bobbin thread won’t snug up unless I have the top tension so tight every knot is pulled through and the top thread basically lies flat across the leather. If the knot sits somewhere in the middle of the leather the bobbin thread is loose and even a little wobbly. Thank you for your help!
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