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Posts posted by Marietje

  1. I'm looking for a Buckle Slobber Strap pattern. Not a tooling pattern, but the outer lines so I have a symmetrical drawing to cut out of leather. I tried drawing by hand and also on the computer, but do not seem to get a nice symmetrical and good size pattern. I even tried printing a pic from an internet photo, but still cannot get it as neat as I would like.

    Can anyone help me with this? Mind it is for buckle slobbers, not for normal slobber straps. Thanks in advance.

  2. Hé Storm You_Rock_Emoticon.gif I didn't know you spoke Dutch! You should see me now... big smile on my face! No need to send a mail in English anymore now smile.gif

    Thank you both very much for the comment, this is what I was hoping for so I can make my work better. I indeed need to figure out how damp it has to be. Will take advices to hart and will go and practice more on scrap leather. I see so many beautiful pieces at this forum and I know I'm far from it and only wish and hope that one day....

    Again, thank you both.

  3. I'm a member of this great forum for some time now but never managed to post any pics. It worked now, but I wonder if they are clear enough.

    These are my first projects. I had limited tools making these and have little more tools now, but less time to use them unfortunately.

    The big saddle bag was the first project, the horn bag 2nd. I had much difficulty in keeping the wire stamp straight (horn bag). It is going from left to right, very bad.

    But for one of the first projects I thought... héy... whenever is wire ever straight wink.gif but nevertheless... I have to get more precise. Need a lot more practice but just had fun doing it and the friends I gave them to where very happy with it. If it is not only because I made them myself and put many hours in it.

    Colors are also not really wonderful, I know, just used standard dye.

    Your comment is very welcome and thanks for looking (and appologies if my English is not correct).

    DSC_1916.jpg DSC_1915.jpg DSC_1917.jpg _DSC0002.jpg _DSC0003.jpg






  4. The 'save button' does not show when you either see the 'next' or 'previous' button to view the pics. When you put the mouse in the middle, no prev or next button show and save will show... moving the mouse makes the save-button disappear again. Seems like a software fault to me....

  5. I've also just cut out the pattern for my stool today, but it seems so small to me... The sides are 300mm/12" and for the corners I made them 100mm/4" (these sizes were mentioned in another 3 legged stool topic).

    Great idea for the tri-bolt! It is at least with items that you can get in about every country (definitely here in The Netherlands).

    I also love the tooling! Don't think mine will look as good, but I'll do my best.

    Can you give me feedback about the seat size? Is above mentioned big enough?

  6. Marie,

    You do need to wet the leather first. I don't know what the Tandy pattern calls for, I'm not familiar with it, but you need to skive the ends so that the laps have a smooth transition on the back side. They should be glued permanently with Barge, the edges then finiished...then do your sewing. Prior to gluing everything together, however, you need to edge and finish that short area that actually wraps the ring because you won't be able to get to it after it's put together. If it were me I would probably construct the overlap so that the entire noseband is double thickness. Leather is not as strong as nylon, obviously, and it takes a little more thickness for it to be strong.

    Hope this helps!


    Thanks Bob, I was thinking just the same. The pattern mentions the skiving, but nothing more. It only gives the sizes. I was also thinking of using more leather and do double. Stitching will look also nicer then I think. Thanks all for your tips. I'm so glad to have found this forum. I'm on it every day to look for tips and help and new ideas. I cannot imagine doing any work without all of your help! I'm still a newbe. When finished I will definitely post a pic to hear what I could have done better.

  7. I want to make a horse halter acc. to the Tandy pattern, maybe stamp on it to.

    How do I get 9 to 10 oz leather neatly around a halter square? Do I wet it first and then fold? Punch holes for hand stitching after that? I find it rather difficult to get it around the square, rings and buckle in a nice way and it is not explained on the pattern.

    Thanks for helping me out here.

  8. Hello all, i'm from The Netherlands and am not a member long yet. I find this site so interesting and can learn so much of you all. Do some leather art for about 1,5 years now but can spend less time than I want. I also do horse-hair hitching, simple patterns, do not have time to figure out difficult ones, same as with the leather but I'm eager to learn more. Buy books and hope to find the time one day to bring in practice what I read. Tried to upload some pics from my first saddle bag and horn bag, but didn't work. Will try from another computer one of these days.

    Well, thanks for reading this and hope to learn a lot from you all so I can post some nice stuff too in the future.

  9. Thank you so much for your answer. Understand completely. I am looking for a same kind of canteen over here, but cannot find one anywhere, only oval ones, or very old ones from the war (doubt if they are still water-tight). Well, I will keep on looking and otherwise have to think of a way to make a basic pattern to cut-out for an oval one. I think ordering one in the US and sending it over makes it rather expensive.

    Very good idea for the tape. Think I will start doing that with all my leatherwork (I assume at least that is possible), cause you are right that the leather stretches.

    Thanks again!

  10. Dear Timbo, very great tutorial. This is the next project I will make. I do have a question though. I'm Dutch and understand most of it, but what I do not understand is putting the tape on (the back I assume). Why is that and when do you take it of again. Is it to keep the leather in shape until finished stamping? And you make the piece wet while the tape is on and then start tooling? I do not know if I understand this part correctly, sorry.

    Furthermore, the 2 wooden pieces when working on the cirkels. What are they used for? Sorry I do not understand this part, but some English words are used that are not familiar to me.

    Another question I have is if there is a standard to measure the width of the circel. What if I can only get a bigger or smaller canteen? How do I then find out what size I should make/cut out?

    I already downloaded and read the whole piece and am looking forward to start.

    Thank you for this great tutorial and greetings from The Netherlands

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