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2nd step by step

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I know there is always room for improvement so here is the my second attempt. Had to put my TC there to cover up a bad spot, or try to. Thank you for all the help guys.




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You did a really nice job, IMO. Your decorative cuts look very nice, too. The only thing you might want to add is maybe a few mule tracks. Other than that, I don't see anything to complain about.

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I see a lot of improvement from the first one you did. Couple of things...When you use your camoflage tool, you want less separation...the tool marks should overlap and progressively stretch out as you move up the stem. I would also use the corner of the camo tool to finish the center of your swirls. Give it a good wack to make a deep impression. I would also tighten up the seeds in the seed pod. I usually do the outer arch first, making sure that each tool impression touches the last, working my way into the center. Where you used your veiner up the center of the Acnthis (sp?) leaf, bevel a little deeper and use a LOT more veiner impressions. Keep going...you're making good progress!


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That looks good. One of the little things that I do, which I believe helps a lot, is to go back with my beveler after backgrounding and smoothen out the corners. For example: on the left one where the swirl meets the flower stem, the backgrounding makes the transition not quite as even as it could be. Not through something wrong that you did, it's just how it works, but fortunately it is easily corrected. On the whole, well done.


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That looks good. One of the little things that I do, which I believe helps a lot, is to go back with my beveler after backgrounding and smoothen out the corners. For example: on the left one where the swirl meets the flower stem, the backgrounding makes the transition not quite as even as it could be. Not through something wrong that you did, it's just how it works, but fortunately it is easily corrected. On the whole, well done.


Ok, I see it now. This photo thing as really helped me a lot. Thank you.


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