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Scrap art

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Hi fellas, Its been a while since I have posted anything and I thought I would post this.

I'll bet a lot of you guys have done this at one time or another. Just take a piece of scrap

leather and start stamping different things and seeing what turns up. Sometimes they ain't

so bad and you can keep them in a box for Ideas for belts or anything.




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Wow Karl,

You sure turn up some good stuff for just messing around.

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Wow Karl,

You sure turn up some good stuff for just messing around.

Thanks a lot. I just got a lot of different stamps and love to sketch and in place of drawing on paper, I just let my imagination

run with stamps and beveling and just let it go where it may. Karl

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I fully agree. I don't think I have many things I preplan. lol Check out the website for a bunch of random works of art...or stuff like that.

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I agree with Spider! That is slick!

How big is that piece, look like you've done some really tiny work there.


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Tom, That piece of leather is abour 5 1/2 inches long and maybe 1 1/2 inches or so tall (or wide)

and a piece of 10/12 oz scrap from my saddle. Karl

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Just about what I figured!



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Nice work.

Man, are we supposed to PLAN our stuff. I been doin' it all wrong then. I pretty much just get an idea and go with it. I probably have 6- 10 projects going at once. Someday I'll even find the time to finish a couple!

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Frog, When I'm playing around, I just set and look at my different tools and stamps and start seeing a picture in my brain, and then start stamping and beveling itand practice a lot on srcap pieces. I am kind of going slow right now, I am making a small half size saddle with a basket weave on the skirt and trying to picture what else to do with it and letting my Rheumatoid Arthritis kind of calm down for a while. It gets a little out of hand, so to speak, when I over do it sometimes.


Edited by karl

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