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Day Planner Question

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I recently completed this day planner. I skived down the center where it bends and I used the v-gouge to make crease lines. I also skived down the lining leather in the center to help it bend easily. I have two questions. First what is the best way to keep the center or the spine from wrinkling once the binder is finished. I think I may be used the wrong glue. Second question: what do I need to do to make the binder stay closed all the time? I am wondering if I need to take more off skiving or if I need to add a snap closure. I am just looking for any suggestions I can try to make my projects better.



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Not a problem. Mark the center of the binder(grain side).

Mark the outside fold lines (for a 2" spine, mark on 1" on each side of center line.

V-gouge the centerline.

take a ruler and draw lines parallel to that about 1/4" apart to the outside all the way to the lines defining the edges.

V- gouge those but START at the outside lines and work your way to the center from each side.

that way the outside edges will be straight .

Take a french edger(most are about 1/4") and skive across. You should end up with a perfectly smooth" channel "where the spine is.

Now- I like to glue the center channel first with an oversized piece of liner and work my way to the outside with the leather SLIGHTLY bent over my free hand. I do both sides and finish with a little pizza dough roller to smooth out the wrinkles.

.Chan Geer likes to start at one side and fold the binder over his hand and push the liner up to the binder. Either way it works ,it stays closed, and you can easily work put the wrinkles in the center.

Just make sure that you put a slight bend in the binder as you are applying the liner.


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Not a problem. Mark the center of the binder(grain side).

Mark the outside fold lines (for a 2" spine, mark on 1" on each side of center line.

V-gouge the centerline.

take a ruler and draw lines parallel to that about 1/4" apart to the outside all the way to the lines defining the edges.

V- gouge those but START at the outside lines and work your way to the center from each side.

that way the outside edges will be straight .

Take a french edger(most are about 1/4") and skive across. You should end up with a perfectly smooth" channel "where the spine is.

Now- I like to glue the center channel first with an oversized piece of liner and work my way to the outside with the leather SLIGHTLY bent over my free hand. I do both sides and finish with a little pizza dough roller to smooth out the wrinkles.

.Chan Geer likes to start at one side and fold the binder over his hand and push the liner up to the binder. Either way it works ,it stays closed, and you can easily work put the wrinkles in the center.

Just make sure that you put a slight bend in the binder as you are applying the liner.


Thanks so much for the info. I am going to pull the liner off and try again with your tips.


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