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I've been learning about making holsters for about a year now. I've been using 7/8 oz veg tanned double shoulders from Tandy. I try to get them when they are periodocally on sale at $2.99 per SF. I know there is better leather out there. Where do you all recommend buying leather? What leather do you use? How is it superior to the Tandy stuff? i'm having trouble finding 7/8 oz double shoulders on any of the advertisers on this site. I am only a hobbyist, so I don't want to buy a truckload at a time.

Edited by gregintenn

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Is there much difference in sides, backs, and shoulders?

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There is a huge difference from what Tandy has and say Herman Oaks or Wicket and Craig.

Right now I am using Wicket & Creak best quality and it is so much better then Tandy. Its molds better and works easier. Also just come out much better. Its much more expensive but worth it. Especially if you intend on selling your product.

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Where would you suggest I buy Wickett and Craig leather, and exactly what should I buy? Side? Back?

I'm really wanting to learn, but without wasting a lot of money. I've gotten the Tandy sucks sentiment here, so what are the differences between their hides and others?

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I can't really say what the actual differences are, but I will say that the first time I formed a holster with Herman Oak, it was like night and day - it just molds much more easily than the cheap stuff from Tandy. Now, Tandy does have a premium imported hide, though I've never tried it. The guy at the store said it's very nice stuff to work with.

Here is one of my early holsters done with a hide from Tandy. It was the 6th holster I'd ever made.


And here is my very next holster done from Herman Oak. It was #7 for me (and the first time I'd tried an Avenger style holster).


I didn't magically get 10 times better at boning a holster - it was just easier with H.O. Even the coloring was better.

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You'll be much better off using better leather and you can do so without spending a fortune. You can order directly from Wickett & Craig and they have no minimum purchase, other than you must buy a side. You can get their "special" grade, which is #3 grade for 100.00 a side, the number 1 grade usually runs right around 200.00 for a side. I think you'd be just fine with the #3 for making holsters, if there are marks it's easy to work around and it'll be much better than the cheap stuff at Tandy. I bought a number 3 out of curiosity along with a side of number 1 which is what I normally use, I was suprised at how very little difference there was between the two, both were very nice with almost no marks.

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You can buy wicket and craig from their web site just google them. I buy there best grade skirting leather. I believe you have to buy a whole side. But if you call or email them and tell them what you are making they will tell you what they have that will work.

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