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Adapting Fabric Patterns For Leather

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Hi everyone,

I am wondering how difficult it would be to adapt a fabric pattern for leather. I would like to make a nice passport wallet and the best design I've found is for use with fabric.



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Yes and no......Some fabric operations can be done in leather and some can't. Some don't need to. For example, most fabric seams are designed to hide the edge to eliminate fraying. With leather this is not necessary but may be done for style.

The basic shapes should work, but you will have to make accommodations for the leather thickness. Thickness problems can show up in the weirdest ways. Sometimes you will have to switch the style of seam to suit leather. Sometimes a fabric design can be greatly simplified when using leather.

It all depends. Garments are pretty straight forward, and patterns will cross over. Wallets and other small accessories, not as cut and dried.

Edited by TinkerTailor

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If possible it would likely be best to pivot out the darts if your pattern had them. 

You would have to assess each pattern and decide on what thickness of leather would work best  for example if your pattern was to fit close to the body you would want to use a thinner more pliable leather.

you would have to decide on what closures to use  most patterns have the seem allpwance printed on the pattern adjust the seam allowance to be wider or narrower.

i recommend using scrap leather and make a sample before using more expensive stuff  you will want to make your sample using the leather with comparable properties.  Eg of you want to use a thick, stiff leather making a sample with thin pliable leather will help with construction sequence but likely won't be useful in terms of fit, drape etc 

Do you have a specific pattern in mind?

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