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Hey folks. I have a personal project in mind but im still choosing the route I want to go. Is there a way to stiffen a leather strap, like the extra drop piece after making a belt? I want to make an incense burner like the ones Ive seen that are made of wood. Stiff leather seem like it would work just as well. The functioning of the leather for this purpose is irrelevant. I know the leather will get burned and ashy. Nonetheless Im experimenting with molding. Maybe a couple well place stitches. I just need any info on a method to stiffen a belt width strap maybe a foot long or less. Any glues, or hardeners that i dont know about? Molding it ok with me, I would just need to play with the shaping. Thanks for your imput.


Just to be on the same page. Are you referring to this kind? https://www.google.de/search?q=incense+burner+wood&num=50&newwindow=1&client=ubuntu&espv=2&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiQ54Tfr4PLAhXMWhoKHa7GAF0Q_AUIBygB&biw=1229&bih=818

If so I'd just try some sole bend leather first. If you're referring to just a holder, here's one of someone else http://www.maxandmoritz-la.com/lifestyle/leather-incense-holder-by-made-solid

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